Question about control system of Bf-109E

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Dec 27, 2023
Hello. Thank you for your detailed explanation of JG54 last time. This time, I would like to ask you a question about the control system of BF 109E. It is said that aircraft before the jet moved the control surface using cables rather than hydraulic pressure, but did BF-109 also use cables and pulleys instead of hydraulic pressure?
Yes, like other aircraft of the period the BF-109 used cables, pulleys, and pushrods with bellcranks to move control services. Drawings below are for an A6M3 Zero. Hydraulically operated controls were actually quite rare in WW2. The later models of the P-38L had hydraulically boosted ailerons but it was just about the only fighter to use that approach. The Me-262 sure could have used that!

Thank you!!!!

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