1st Lieutenant
During WWII the USAAF created a extensive system for reporting logistics information on individual aircraft. Flight times, engine times, fuel and other consumables used were reported on a monthly basis using a standard form and sent to Air Material Command HQ at Wright Field for compilation.
One day the maintenance chief at Muroc Army Air Force Base got an angry call from Wright Field. "Quit screwing up the reports!" the guy in Ohio complained. "Did you even look at the report you submitted for this airplane 6063? Now the flight times are pretty short, 30 minutes or less, usually, but according to you the engine run times are ridiculous! Five minutes engine run time for a thirty minute flight! How can that be right? And despite that it used a huge amount of fuel! Not only that but the thing has only one crew member but he used an incredible amount of oxygen! This can't be right! These reports are important and you'd better stop screwing them up or you're going to be in trouble!"
The maintenance chief assured the man at Wright Field that the data was correct. The airplane he was so upset about was the Bell X-1.
One day the maintenance chief at Muroc Army Air Force Base got an angry call from Wright Field. "Quit screwing up the reports!" the guy in Ohio complained. "Did you even look at the report you submitted for this airplane 6063? Now the flight times are pretty short, 30 minutes or less, usually, but according to you the engine run times are ridiculous! Five minutes engine run time for a thirty minute flight! How can that be right? And despite that it used a huge amount of fuel! Not only that but the thing has only one crew member but he used an incredible amount of oxygen! This can't be right! These reports are important and you'd better stop screwing them up or you're going to be in trouble!"
The maintenance chief assured the man at Wright Field that the data was correct. The airplane he was so upset about was the Bell X-1.