RAF Buffalos Grazing

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Great book called Life's Too Short To Cry discusses the Buffalo over Singapore with some facts about its air filter that are surprising and funny at the same time.

Tim Vigors was tasked with testing the newly assembled Buffalos in Singapore in 1941. It seems the air filters then in use were not up to the humid conditions. He went up, the engine stopped and he had to dead stick the aircraft in which speaks volumes to his piloting skills. This happened several times and to other pilots. Fortunately no aircraft were lost or pilots killed. The engineering officer figured out the air filters were the issue.

The temporary solution turned out to be sanitary towels. Vigors relates the engineering officer asked his wife for some and fitted them to the air filter then asked Vigors to test fly the aircraft again. It worked. So the engineering officer said all we need now is a gross of these until we can work out a proper solution and it's not my job to get them.

So the pilots drew lots to see who would have to go to the Chemists shop in Singapore to buy them. A young pilot who had no ideal what these were drew the short straw. Vigors relates they drew money from squadron funds, took the kid into Singapore and pushed him through the door watching within earshot as he approached the young woman behind the counter.

May I help you sir ?

Well ( blushing) Yes Miss I want some sanitary towels ( says our man)

How many would you like ( asked the girl looking slightly surprised).

1 gross please miss ( in a hushed tone)

What size do you want? ( the girl looking amused)

I don't know miss they are for Buffalos.

At this point Vigors and his friend took pity on the kid and stepped in. The solution worked and there were no more engine issues linked to the air filter. What the final fix was he does not say.

When I was 16 I worked in a restaurant that had those sanitary napkin dispensers in the lady's room. They ran out and the manager lined the bus boys up vs sending out the 30 year old hostess. I drew the short straw. I can relate to this young man's embarrassment.

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