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Can anyone provide a single instance in which an intercepting fighter was shot down, by an escort, off the tail of a bomber formation? I can't recall one.
Your overall point is sound but the sort of incident you describe happened all the time.
Can anyone provide a single instance in which an intercepting fighter was shot down, by an escort, off the tail of a bomber formation? I can't recall one. These battles (Luftwaffe/USAAF which is the only concerted daylight campaign we have for reference) took place over miles of air space, not hundreds of yards. There seems to be a misunderstanding about how escort fighters operated successfully.
Once and if the interceptors could evade or break through the defending escorts they only had to worry about the bombers defensive fire. I'd recommend Boiten and Bowman's 'Battles with the Luftwaffe' which tells the story of the US strategic bombing offensive in Europe from both sides.
The Luftwaffe escorts in the BoB, unlike their 8th AF counterparts in the strategic offensive against Germany were 'tied' to the bombers in a tactically limiting (some would later say idiotic) close escort role. Galland later said that it was this denial of freedom to manoeuvre to which he was referring with his famous 'give me a squadron of Spitfires' quip. Rather than being allowed to range ahead of the bombers, attacking and breaking up RAF formations they were forced to fly close to, usually above, the bombers and attempt to protect them at relatively close quarters.
Apart from that this example illustrates my point. Not only did the escort fighter manage to inflict damage on the bomber it was supposed to be protecting, it could have been the victim of the defensive fire of the 'friendly' bomber too.
Luftwaffe interceptors later had only to evade or defeat the escorts to get a run at the bombers. Easier said than done. Earlier I said they then needed only to worry about the bombers defensive fire, but they also braved 'friendly' flak.
If the US did not have long range escorts and the Germans had a plane like the Mosquito it could just cruise up behind the bombing formation and pick the bombers off out of range of 0.5" Mg defensive fire but within range of 20mm cannon. No one would send mosquitos out to face a bomber force with escorts but with no escorts they would be devastating, more so than the Bf110 was.
One addition to the previous mentioned of the AVG's success with the P-40 that I forgot to mention was that they fairly routinely pushed the engines beyond officially accepted operating limits, pushing the early V-1710-33s into almost 1300 HP both overboosting and overspeeding the engines for higher power and higher FTH and suffering higher mechanical wear rates as a consequence. I'm not sure on the use of that on their later P-40s and post-peral harobor operation of the Flying Tigers, but I suspect they similarly pushed the aircraft. (granted, other units in the far east and MTO were known for overspeeding and overboosting V-1710s too ... and it likely shortened the engine life but the Allison did seem to tolerate being pushed beyond spec more than contemporary merlins -albeit that may in part have been due to more conservative ratings and slower rate of official WER clearance -despiration during the BoB probably drove some of that experimentation on the Merlin end)Thanks for the clarification. If the main advantage of your aircraft is in its general agility then play to your strengths. If your aircraft has the advantage in dive and climb, then again play to your strengths. The trick is not getting confused when considering who your fighting.
In Europe the RAF normally had the advantage in agility over the Luftwaffe but when they tried it against the IJAAF they came seriously unstuck. In the Far East the RAF normally had the advantage in boom and zoom, in Europe the Luftwaffe had that advantage
I remember a discussion that pointed out a number of the examples of P-40s showing turning (or other performance) advantages over the 109s in the MTO were at low altitude with engine overboosting employed. (not 'stripper' P-40s, but just pushing the engine beyond spec)HoHun calculations sustained turn rate
S.L. 21.5°/sec, 3 km 17.5°/sec, 6 km 13°/sec, 9 km 7.5°/sec
P-40C (44" Hg)
19°/sec, 15.5°/sec, 11.5°/sec, 6°/sec
P-40E (44" Hg)
17°/sec, 12.5°/sec, 7°/sec, too high
Hurricane IIB (+12/9 lbs)
22°/sec, 18°/sec, 13°/sec, 8°/sec
Spit VC (+16 lbs)
21.5°/sec, 18°/sec, 12.5°/sec, 7°/sec
Against RAF bombers sporting .303 turrets they could be beyond range ... or same for actual mosquitos vs German bombers sporting rifle caliber and heavy machine gunes. (possibly 20 mms too given the longer range and shorter slight time of the hispano)Nice theory but wouldn't actually work. Effective range of the .50cal and most 20mm guns was actually about the same. Some 20mm guns actually had less effective range.
Now a twin engine fighter carrying a heavy battery of 20mm guns might very well be more effective than several different gunners each trying to direct 2 guns apiece onto the same target but there was no safe zone/range where a fighter could sit and fire at a bomber.
One addition to the previous mentioned of the AVG's success with the P-40 that I forgot to mention was that they fairly routinely pushed the engines beyond officially accepted operating limits, pushing the early V-1710-33s into almost 1300 HP both overboosting and overspeeding the engines for higher power and higher FTH and suffering higher mechanical wear rates as a consequence. I'm not sure on the use of that on their later P-40s and post-peral harobor operation of the Flying Tigers, but I suspect they similarly pushed the aircraft. (granted, other units in the far east and MTO were known for overspeeding and overboosting V-1710s too ... and it likely shortened the engine life but the Allison did seem to tolerate being pushed beyond spec more than contemporary merlins -albeit that may in part have been due to more conservative ratings and slower rate of official WER clearance -despiration during the BoB probably drove some of that experimentation on the Merlin end)
Interceptors fighting escorts was a victory for the attackers.
By that you mean, Interceptors fighting escorts was a victory for the defenders. (i.e., the escorts)?
Yes I did....slip of the senses.
The Luftwaffe declined to intercept US escorts close to the European coast, forcing them to jettison drop tanks, something the Americans expected them to do, for precisely this reason.
Wonder if single-engine fighters intercepted the escorts early in their flight, forcing them to jettison drop tanks, if that would have freed up twin-engine fighters to better intercept the bombers unmolested by escorts?
One addition to the previous mentioned of the AVG's success with the P-40 that I forgot to mention was that they fairly routinely pushed the engines beyond officially accepted operating limits, pushing the early V-1710-33s into almost 1300 HP both overboosting and overspeeding the engines for higher power and higher FTH and suffering higher mechanical wear rates as a consequence. I'm not sure on the use of that on their later P-40s and post-peral harobor operation of the Flying Tigers, but I suspect they similarly pushed the aircraft. (granted, other units in the far east and MTO were known for overspeeding and overboosting V-1710s too ... and it likely shortened the engine life but the Allison did seem to tolerate being pushed beyond spec more than contemporary merlins -albeit that may in part have been due to more conservative ratings and slower rate of official WER clearance -despiration during the BoB probably drove some of that experimentation on the Merlin end)
Would have been interesting if the British had had enough Tomahawks during the BoB to make them worth pressing into service as interceptors. (longer endurance would have made roaming patrols more feasible too)