RAF Mustang III markings 1944-45

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Jan 20, 2012
Roskilde, Denmark
Despite joining some time ago, this is my first post.
I hope that someone can answer this question.

RAF Mustang III's were marked with white bands to wings, tailplane and fin/rudder to comply with VIII and IX USAAF orders of 20.12.43. The tailplane rudder stripes were ordered removed on 23.11.44 but the wing bands were retained.
However, I am led to believe that the wing bands were removed later but I would like confirmation?

Belgian, Lieutenant General Baron Michel 'Mike' Donnet, commander of B Wing (64,126,234 Sqns.) at RAF Bentwaters in 1945 flew his personal Mustang III MLD (KH500) at this time and up until mid-April, 1945. I have known Mike for many years and I once asked him about the markings on B Wing's Mustangs in 1945. He assured me that his aircraft did not have white stripes on the wings but he was unsure whether the other Mustangs had these or not.
I have a photograph given to me by one of the pilots with 234 Sqn, this is undated but it shows a Mustang (AZ-E) with the white wing stripes.

Attached are a couple of pics showing artist interpretations of Mike Donnet's encounter with ME 262s over Hamburg on April 9, 1945. Mike was consulted by the artists for both pictures to ensure accuracy, no white stripes on the wings.
Can anyone help?



  • InterceptionMDMustang.jpg
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  • MDMustang1Apr45.jpg
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Hi Derek, great to see you here at last!
Leave it with me and I'll check the specific details - got a blinding headache at the moment!
I think I still have some profiles I made, based on info from Mike Donnet, and Stan Farmiloe, although these might just be the 'bare metal' Mustang IV.
The white bands were removed on aircraft assigned to 2 TAF, and all RAF Mustangs by January 1945, but I need to check the details as to who, where, when, why etc!

Hi again. OK, basic details - a Directive of 21 November 1944 ordered the 15 inch wide white bands to be removed from the wings of all RAF Mustangs.
I'll e-mail you a copy of 'Camouflage and Markings - RAF Mustang' later tonight, which has all the painting, stencil and markings details.

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