Realism - more than Patriotism

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I don't understand why they call it "the beautiful" game .... it is slow and awkward compared to hockey ... and lacks the precision of a well executed double play in baseball .... way too much diving and acting ... but fans like it .. obviously
I don't understand why they call it "the beautiful" game .... it is slow and awkward compared to hockey ... and lacks the precision of a well executed double play in baseball .... way too much diving and acting ... but fans like it .. obviously

"The beautiful game" is a media mans slogan I cant remember hearing it until recently. Football (soccer) was always more about tribal confrontation and local rivalries. It was 0-0 when I made my post but was a good game to watch. I prefer Rugby myself.

Edit...It seems Pele wrote a book called "My life and the beautiful game" in 1977, nike have used the theme since 1996.
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July 11. Sunny and hot

Tom's eyes - as others see us

Tom is a colleague since 1986 when he was a fresh engineer out of university, He has long expressed a wish to visit Riverbend and last Saturday seem ideal ... a day trip to recover Panzer .... on patrol for 6 days. Mission accomplished .

Here's the visit through the eyes of Tom's tablet-cam,


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A hot day is 27 C and up ... rarely would go higher than 30-31. Humidity makes it stifling, The cabin is always cool and dark inside. The rock and sand tend to intensify the heat.
August 8. Cool and overcast

All's well ... Geese in the rain ... and ... just hanging out watching Leks work


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Monday, Sept 14. Cool, after two days of needed rain, cabin and town.

This rendition of The Eagles "Hotel California" is like nothing I could imagine ... until I listened .... now it seems natural and creates images in my imagination of pre-language humans. We learned to communicate co-operatively before we invented spoken language. The vocal range and versatility of the human body is beyond belief.


And for comparison ...

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