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To alleviate the return from the summer holidays, I got these two boxes. They are my first Arma Hobby and I must say that they are really beautiful


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I'm eager to see the completed Hurricane and your review of the kit. I'm a Spitfire fan but, recognizing how important the Hurricane was to the Battle of Britain…I'm eager to build one…1/48 or 1/32 scale.
I understand. We all will succeed, umm humm, fail once in a while Jan but you can overcome this disease. It is a disease. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and get back in the ring. Here I'll help you, when you order put my address in as the delivery address. I'll hold it for you, yeah yeah that's it, yeah it will be safe my precious me thinks the bad Baggin's wants my precious. Oh oh sorry.
Non vedo l'ora di vedere l'uragano completato e la tua recensione del kit. Sono un fan degli Spitfire ma, riconoscendo quanto sia stato importante l'uragano per la battaglia d'Inghilterra... non vedo l'ora di costruirne uno... in scala 1/48 o 1/32.

For now i have to finish my FW 190, but i hope soon to built this amazing kits

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