Redstone Booster used in the Mercury Space Program

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Jul 9, 2013
Georgia, USA
Greetings Guys, Gals

It is a overcast Sunday morning here. May-haps be, that you have some sun where you reside.

..........................................................................Todays post is the Redstone Rocket Motor.
The PGM-11 Redstone was the first large American ballistic missile. A short-range surface-to-surface rocket, it was in active service with the U.S. Army in West Germany from June 1958 to June 1964 as part of NATO's Cold War defense of Western Europe. It was the first missile to carry a live nuclear warhead, first detonated in a 1958 Pacific Ocean weapons test, with two tests occurring over a period of 12 days.

Redstone's prime contractor was the Chrysler Corporation.

Redstone was also used in several suborbital launches in the United States Mercury program:
•Mercury-Redstone 1, Launched 4 inches (100 mm)
•Mercury-Redstone 1A, Successful unmanned flight
•Mercury-Redstone 2 (Carrying Ham the chimpanzee)
•Mercury-Redstone BD Booster Development - final test before manned flight
•Freedom 7 (Mercury-Redstone 3), America's first human in space, Alan Shepard.
•Liberty Bell 7 (Mercury-Redstone 4), America's second human in space, Gus Grissom.

As always, Enjoy,



  • Redstone_01.pdf
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"Mercury-Redstone 1, Launched 4 inches (100 mm) "

I guess it was a partial success.

Yes......... for the most part you are correct. But, do remember at this time we,((The) United States), where playing catch up
to the Russian Space Program.............

To be fair to the pilot....... tell me it didn't take some balls to ride that Roman Candle .........

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