Request information on BMW 801

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Oct 7, 2023
Good morning, everyone. I am an aerospace engineering student, and I am conducting research on the BMW 801 engine. I am in need of all possible information regarding the technical specifications of this engine, including dimensions, construction and operational characteristics, power/performance curves, engine parameters, and so on. Thus far, I have come across several manuals in German (my German skills are poor, and I can't understand them) and a wartime report by the NACA. I would greatly appreciate any information you can provide, whether it be graphs, data, or anything else you may have available.

It would help a lot if you can expand a bit on what you mean by "research" ?

What is the title of the study ? Your request is too broadly defined at the moment for me to (realistically) help. There are dozens of performance curves,
depending on which variant you are interested in etc, and masses of data on injection details and so on, which all vary through time.

If you can narrow it down a bit I`ll try to help you.
You're right; I should have provided more specific information. I'm looking for the following curves:

1. Brake Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP) vs. Engine Speed
2. Horsepower vs. Altitude
3. Specific Fuel Consumption vs. Engine Speed
4. Power vs. Engine Speed (MEP)
5. BMEP vs. Effective Mean Linear Velocity to compare with other engines of the era

And the following parameters:

6. Specific Power per Piston Surface Area
7. Specific Power per Unit Displacement
8. Power-to-Weight Ratio
9. Stroke-to-Bore Ratio

Primarily, I'm looking for all these parameters and curves. However, if you have any data that you think might be interesting, I would greatly appreciate it.
I hope you can assist me with some of the information I need. And, I'm sorry if I haven't expressed myself correctly in English; it's not my native language.
How about buying his book?? As a start line for further learning. Getting a grasp of how and why and as a student the sources..
At least you have put on some fat on your bones as a scolar.

One can do worse.
How about buying his book?? As a start line for further learning. Getting a grasp of how and why and as a student the sources..
At least you have put on some fat on your bones as a scolar.

One can do worse.
I can't afford to buy a book. That's why I'm asking for help on this forum.
I can't afford to buy a book. That's why I'm asking for help on this forum.
Ahhh. Yes. I do understand. I think you are very...very lucky then the author is here and willing to help. Lucky you.
What is you native lingo?
This might be a start: link

BTW - there was not just a single BMW 801 engine version, and not always were the same boost & RPM values allowed, so power vs. altitude and BMEP will be different for the different versions.
In reverse order: 9,8,7,6 you can get from Wikipedia as that tells you bore, stroke, power and weight.

5, I assume you mean "BMEP vs mean piston speed" ??

I dont have time to collate that, so you`ll have to go and do that on your own, but all you need is
Wikipedia as that tells you all you need to know to work out BMEP and Mean Piston Speed
for any well known aero engine you choose.

4. Power vs Engine Speed (this is rarely published for Aero Engines as they are very nearly fixed speed
engines, so almost nobody cares what the power is outside of a narrow operating range, but the same table
I`ve given you for answer 1. provides this at the bottom.

3. Specific Fuel Consumption (this is vs altitude, but has five different speed curves so you can work out what you need)

2. Horsepower vs Altitude

1. BMEP vs Engine Speed

You can work that out from this table:

I apologize for not replying earlier. I'm from a small town in South America, and I didn't have a stable internet connection over the weekend. Thank you very much for all your help; it's appreciated that there are still kind-hearted people in this world.
Thats ok. I think having the help of a well known writer, will help you on your quest. In fact on a paper it will stand out, having a response of Calum Douglas. Not a footnote not a reading. The author. Good luck.
Feel free to come back if you need another page on one aspect we forgot.

Sorry I forgot about Dietrich Schwenke`s intelligence review on enemy engines, this might help a little for comparisons.

Kolbenflachenleistung = Power per unit piston area
Mittlere Kolbengeschwindigkeit = Mean Piston Speed
Forderhohe = Rated Altitude (that at which maximum power is still achievable)
Nennladedruck = Supercharger Boost Pressure, this is not well defined but is probably take off boost (in absolute german technical atmospheres)
Hochstladedruck = Maximum emergency combat boost pressure (in absolute german technical atmospheres)
If you have the manuals, scan the with ocr, copy the text and paste into Google translate- works really well and it's free...
You mean this,?

With these values, I cannot plot a power vs altitude graph like the one I am attaching below. Furthermore, I also don't know what these values mean.
As I've mentioned in this post before, I'm working on a school project about the BMW 801 engine. In order to include the information, I need to cite it and state its source. Would you mind telling me where you obtained the curves and data you showed me, please? If you don't know or don't remember, I can always state that you, as an expert on the subject, provided me with the information, but I would need your permission.

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