Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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thanks for the awsome kind words.. making me blush.. hehe
since i am stuck and waiting for the decals for the instrumnetpanel i cant do much with the fuselage and cockpit.. so i have doen some small work on the platform and tried to wire up the instrumentpanel.. i have not much experience with these things but i figured its worth a try

i am not sure if i am going to use the dataplate in front there..its a newmade id tag..
thought i would punch in the werknumber of the A/C and when the original was buildt..


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Nice touch! Great idea to have the ID plate as a title plate for the diorama! Given me some ideas there Mr.G, now I just need to do a sneak raid on a certain hangar at Gardermoen, to see if I can find some..........

the hangar is well protected with alarms and cameras but thanks for the comments-i think this "little" diorama will turn out nice when done somtime in the future..hehe just need to add trees, bushes,startercart, bombs,fueldrums..soldiers..and what else i can find on items to add..
and ofcourse complete the 88 itself
Thanks Dusan and all you other guys.. the comments inspires to more work on the model

and i really hope to see some more Ju 88 1:32 builds here soon

so c`mon guys
i might add the boys in the back and make that small diorama into something is happening in the back there behind the there will be trees at the end of the parkinglot.. just ideas
any comments are welcome the more the merruer,,brainstorming is always fun


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Really looking forward to all your additions to the diorama Guttorm, it's going to be marvellous by the sound of it.
I'll be getting my JU88 as soon as I get some other things sorted. I was going to do it for the museum near Roman'd town, in Czech Republic, but I think it will be too big to transport safely! Instead, I'll convert my conversion of the JU88A5 to the A1 version, and take that.
BTW, I spent a few years learning how to get past security systems........!
He He!
these tags are aviable from white one fondation restoration facility

Focke-Wulf FW 190 - White 1

go to the "contact us" and ask..i dont know the prices of these dags,,but he might also have som newmade Fw 190 tags for those interested,, all blank so you can punch in what werknumber you like and they are made 100% as the orginals with etched material on the aluminum so the letters stands out

here is a few of what he us making so if you want a original Fw ID tag..or He 111 or Ju 88 ( same on Ju 87 ) there is where to find them

but thye might be a bit they are exspensive to make the old way

just contackt Mark Timken


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Hi 88 i,m having a rest from my 88 and doing a TSR2 to calm me down a bit after the c''@ck up with the paint job when thats done i will then have another look at the 88 .Your work is looking really good i look forward to seeing some more pics mate.BB
hope your 88 will be saved after the #¤% accident with the paint BB..
and thanks for the comments
I am still waiting for my decals so if i dont get them soon i will do the cockpit without.. today i did some upgrades on the stand..figured i would add a 88mm flak in the backround so made a bunker for that..( will use a 1:35 for that gun as that scale is so close to 1:32 so nobody will tell the difference.. got one in the making at a friends house ) so that means i can add more guys..more stuff..more things..hehe
and i also figured i want one of the waffenmeisters ( wepaonguys ) to clean and prepare the guns for the 88 so he has made a temporary "table" on the unused logs that was used to make the parkinglot for the 88..


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Nice work Mr.G. But shouldn't the receiver on the MG15 on the 'table' be black? The ones I had at the armoury were black-painted metal, some with wooden pistol grips, the later ones with plastic grips.
The whole thing looks good though, and I like the look of the flak bunker.
thanks for the reply..the early Mg 15 had brown wood or brown bakelite on them.. here is a few pics so you can see
the colour of the wood differs ofcourse..we have some in our museum and they are all different in the woodcolours but all are original from 1939-40

the black metal rear parts are actually checkoslvakian made Mg 15`s from after the war..they also made them with plastichandles. The germans during WW2 only used wood or bakelite


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