The RN changed strategy during the Mediterranean operations from blue water fleet type actions (Matapan etc), to convoy
attrition. This brought a whole new set of problems into play.
The fuel shortage (also known as what the hell were they thinking when they started this) became even more acute as escorts
for the convoys had to be given priority for fuel. Italy as per Japan had not done much in the way of ASW / AA / or radar
development and the price for the Axis merchant shipping was high.
The last folly came with the reinforcement of Tunisia when it was going to be impossible to keep the supplies going through.
attrition. This brought a whole new set of problems into play.
The fuel shortage (also known as what the hell were they thinking when they started this) became even more acute as escorts
for the convoys had to be given priority for fuel. Italy as per Japan had not done much in the way of ASW / AA / or radar
development and the price for the Axis merchant shipping was high.
The last folly came with the reinforcement of Tunisia when it was going to be impossible to keep the supplies going through.