Rotax Magnetos

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Jan 23, 2015
So I just picked up two Rotax magnetos to suit Merlin engines.

I was wondering if anyone had any info on them or anything like that. I have multiple Merlin Manuals but they all talk about timing.

Any experts able to tell me how to test them and possibly get them working?
Attached some pics for your enjoyment


Are they "sparking" when rotated? Unless you have a "test bench" teh only other way is to actually install them. What paperwork did you get with them?
That data is for a bendix magneto. Although the operating principles are the same using this data in wrong and potentially dangerous. It seems to be a model 37A.

CORRECTION - my bad - it does mention Rotax on the 2nd page. Be careful when rotating it! (Providing it still rotates)
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I got thrown a capacitor that had been tested but not discharged once. Unfortunately your first reaction is to catch it... Mine isn't any more.

Before anyone asks - its high voltage, low current so the risk is actually fairly minimal.

I got thrown a capacitor that had been tested but not discharged once. Unfortunately your first reaction is to catch it... Mine isn't any more.

Before anyone asks - its high voltage, low current so the risk is actually fairly minimal.

I had a teacher who I was demonstrating a leyden jar to, and I accidentally knocked it off the table. He caught it and learned the same lesson.

I got thrown a capacitor that had been tested but not discharged once. Unfortunately your first reaction is to catch it... Mine isn't any more.

Before anyone asks - its high voltage, low current so the risk is actually fairly minimal.

my dad worked in a radio shop after the war and he told me about that. charging a cap and tossing it so someone seemed to be the gag played on you when they were new. like you said, after the first time you are very leery about catching anything tossed to you.

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