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Aug 25, 2006
Hi everyone.
this is my first time on here, i stumbled on the site by accident.
Does anyone know whether the SAAF ever took delivery or operated B.17's? They operated B.24's, Havocs and Marauders but I can find no record of them ever having used B.17's... does anyone know better?

any light you can shed on the subject would be appreciated henk.
baie dankie.
Plesier my friend.

No I got no info on a B-17 in the SAAF. I was at the SAAF airforce museum and did not see any of such or read anything about it.

Jammer / sorry I could not give you any good news.
31 and 34 squadrons were the only SAAF heavy bomber units and they flew B-24 Liberators out of Foggia.

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