Scale Size Preference and Beginner Enjoyability

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Greetings All!

Been a way from the forums for a while as modeling is a winter hobby for me. Don't get me wrong, I pursue it with strong passion since I picked it back up but in the summer/fall months I spend a lot of time on outdoor hobbies.

With that being said, it is time to get back into modeling and, in doing some preliminary thinking, I have a question. Hope it is in the right sub forum.

I was wondering what scale you personally think is best for beginner's to enjoy?? I have heard start small with 1:72 and go from there but was wondering if 1:32 might be the way to go??

See, I have the resources, interest, and knowledge of warbirds. Enough to enjoy the detail, but just don't have the experience in the craft yet. I spend a lot of time doing things over and over trying to get them 'just so' as I learn. I was thinking that many 1:32's have a lot of detail picked out already and might be easier (not so much fabrication or modification).

So what do you think is the best scale for a relative beginner to get the most enjoyment from while being challenged and being able to put forth a good effort?? Also, do you think one particular nation is better for modeling (AAF, RAF, IJAF, Luftwaffe, etc.)??

Just some token thoughts as I get warmed up.

This is not certain, the truth, I started to 1 / 72 and still at 1 / 72 thing, but something in other scales as 1 / 72 for me none of them are very manageable and economical both molds and paints, for another 1 / 48 is the best and others 1 / 32 there is any more than a model dedicated to 1 / 16 or larger but that is to loop the loop, (Spanish expression),
to be the first does not matter what you start MSIM main thing is do not try to do more of the best, but to go picking skills and practices that evolve as you see yourself as you set goals you can more complicated if you try to start doing things complicated and do not have good results disappoint and even leave puesdes know that more than one way, including me, my first diorama was so complicated so try to make hasa not return a few months ago has done a lot more simple.
I would look first at 1 / 72, Mono and bi-color camouflage simple but shattering as some if not all of the Luftwaffe which are rather complicated to make a brush because it is not if you used airbrush or not airbrush depintura layers are finer and less paint is used muchisma.
a good place to start would be a P-47a / b of economic academy and not very complicated assembly or hobby easy boss all at 1 / 72 I say, there would still be with Tamiya or Hasegawa Hasegawa but some models have some hard paste, although almost Airfix would be the best option because you have to work to end well and is a practice that is always good, I occasionally have to keep practicing amount of putty and sanding, I'm masochist with plastic
Depends on your preferences, storage space, and your financial situation.

- if you like detail and will likely add some as you go, the bigger the better. Adding details on smaller scales is a challenge
- Airbrush practice is better on big scales IMHO. Gets tougher to do a convincing job on smaller scales
- Brush painting? This will likely look better on small scale if you take it easy on the paint.

Storage space
- Pretty obvious

- Bigger scales tend to be pricier and you need more paint and more glue
- As a beginner, if you're likely to try lots of projects until you get better, maybe small scale, at least at the start, will be more economical.

As for nationality, Luftwaffe schemes tend to be more challenging with the typical use of mottling andthe often-used yellow areas.
Whatever scale you start at the same skills and techniques apply. I often see it said that the increase in popularity in 1/32 scale is due to the larger parts,suitable for the older,tiring eyes of more 'mature' modellers. I model in 1/32 and can assure you that much of the detail parts needed at this scale,particularly photo etch are smaller than the smallest parts of any 1/72 kit. I can knock out a 1/72 kit in days whereas a fully detailed 1/32 kit will take months.
To develop skills,building a diversity of subjects at a reasonable price I think the old advice of 'start small and move up if you fancy it later' is good advice indeed.
I agree with Steve. Many modellers, when first starting out, will dash out and buy a huge, complex kit, thinking this will look great when done. Unfortunately, it's somewhat of a waste of time, money, a waste of a good kit, and a good way to become quickly disheartened. It's rather like wanting to learn to drive, and asking to have the first lesson in a F1 Ferrari !!
Start small and uncomplicated, in order to become familiar with the way parts are presented, how they might need trimming and clean-up before use, how they go together and so on.
The basic skills can be learned here, and built upon and developed, from filling joints, sanding, to good paint finishes. Forget about adding detail, weathering, and so on at this stage, that's in the future - get the basics right first, and this should lead to enjoyment and satisfaction in the future.

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