Schloß 504 rack for me 262??

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Take it easy... the "ß" in German means the sound of the "s" lasting slightly longer than the basic "s". In other words it could be written as the "ss" but it doesn't look good , right?. So it is easier to copy the German letter and paste it to your own text. Just have done that in the way and edited the thread title. For copying of such signs you may use any translator on-line. Or just type "ss"
By the Schloß 504 you mean the ETC 504 rack , isn't it?

Here you are ...

the pic source: the Internet
No problemo. A note though.. at least one source says that's the ETC 503 rack. IMHO the ETC 503 and 504 were of similar dimensions so the external cover could be of the same shape.

Here the Wikingerschiff rack for comparision..

the pic source: the Internet.

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