Search this thread always searchs for * not matter what word i put in

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Senior Airman
Sep 5, 2016
When I do the normal Search for <this thread> whatever I put in the <words> query it always says searched for * so returns all the posts in the thread!
The normal Search for "this thread" is the general quick way for the searching engine, hence the result. If you want to find something more particular you have to add by whom it was sent or use the Advanced Search option. It also returns all posts but sent by all on the forum ( not for the particular thread ) and if there is the word you specified in the query it is displayed with the bolt type font. Also please check on the seetings for the Search Options for your account in the Preferences section.
I changed my User preferences search to relevance. Quick search is working well enough. Tried using advanced search it works well enough. But has some odd bugs,

Search results for query: just
In Weapons Systems Tech. Content: Threads, Posts Order by relevance
Original search term judy had no results.

I never entered just, never, not even as an error typing, there is nothing like that in the stored drop down list of previous search names only judy. There maybe some keycode numbering shift bug in the search engine. But anyhow I will persevere and watch carefully the searches now :)
Last edited:
I changed my User preferences search to relevance. Quick search is working well enough. Tried using advanced search it works well enough. But has some odd bugs,

Search results for query: just
In Weapons Systems Tech. Content: Threads, Posts Order by relevance
Original search term judy had no results.

I never entered just, never, not even as an error typing, there is nothing like that in the stored drop down list of previous search names only judy. There maybe some keycode numbering shift bug in the search engine. But anyhow I will persevere and watch carefully the searches now :)

I think I know what you are talking about. Have a look at the pics below. When you type "j" letter the system tries to suggest the possible content. The stored drop down list is one of its source. In my case the "j310" has never been typed here because it is an unipolar N-JFET transistor I was trying to find for my project via the net. So how to come it was attached to the list. Just the system used my net browser stored drop list and added the found word that started with "j' letter. IIRC the next source for the seaching engine is a dictionary. In case the system can't find the correct result it substitutes the query word with a closest to its form one automatically. It looks like the "just" is the closest one to the word "judy. Therefore you got the result although the "just" wasn't on the list. If you use the advance searching option please notice that you have to type the query Keywords in the first line and then ( scrolling the screen down ) mark the "Order by" option not by the Relevance but by the Words. Generally the forum searching system doesn't work like the well-known engines on the other boards. It is more elastic and quite fast in searching but sometimes it may cause trouble users who don't use it too often.
Anyway I have addded the case to the list for checking on by our main Admin.





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