Server problem?

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Something I have noticed lately, is that the page (any page) never stops loading. While I can get content to load, it's very slow.

Just for kicks, I loaded a typical page (picture of the day, in this case) and waited to see how long it took for the page to complete it's loading. I went and had a cup of coffee and a smoke...came back and looked: still loading. Then I went and watched a little TV (Bogart in Sahara) for a little bit, then came back and checked: still loading.

So after nearly an hour, the page was still "loading"...

Now, I load a page, wait for all the images (if there are any in the thread) and then cancel the load, so I can scroll quickly through the content. Annoying to have to do this, but what's the alternative?
Never had the forever loading problem(some do take several minutes though) but this just happened...I was trying to reply to a comment but everything in the comment box was gone. I tried refreshing but nothing happened so I tried to log out but I couldn't. Finally, I logged out, closed the site, reopened the site and I found that I was still logged in....Submitted for your approval..♪do do do do, do do do do♫

Been running very slow and getting the error message quite a bit lately.
Must be gremlins


  • GremlinYoYo700.gif
    40.2 KB · Views: 772
  • 2-bugs-bunny-and-the-gremlin.jpg
    13.8 KB · Views: 458
I remember when The Bay(Hudson's Bay Company) put a recall on the Bugs Bunny Collection on VHS as being racist and insensitive. My wife wanted to return it. Told her I would be on the evening news for all the wrong reasons if she did....still have it.


EDIT: OK, in the above post I hit "Post Quick Reply". A pop-up, uhhh, popped up and asked if I wanted to stay on the page or leave the page. I clicked "Leave the page" and BAM, double post.

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Have also had some issues past couple of days with very slow forum capabilities....takes a minute or two for an action to take place (enter thread, leave thread, start thread, and post) or it will show that a server is down. There are spurts of time when the forum will work fine but then will return to slow performance.

We need more squirrels.....


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