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Excuse me, CC? 16 Hellfires? The Apache carries 8 Hellfires.
I believe I stated Hellfires and Hydras. In that configuration it's 8 Hellfires.
A nice little picture of the AH-64 weapon choices.


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Okay Yes CC Helicopters do rock! You are the man.

Second Sorry Plan_D but someone who see's Apache's everyday and flew with them in Combat, they are not that flashy and not that impressive. Dont take me wrong, they are still the best attack helicopter flying today but I would take a Marine Cobra anyday.

Third, Plan_D I hope you do not think that the Apache can carry all of that armament at one time that you see there. It carry a mixture of that armament that you see there plus the Longbow version can carry air to air missles. The usual armament configuration of the AH-64A or AH-64D Apache is as follows:

76 70mm rockets (38 in each pod on each outboard pylon)
8 Hellfire missles (4 on each inboard pylon)
1200 rounds of 30mm cannon

If it is not carrying the 70mm rockets it can carry 16 hellfires.
;) Of course I knew it couldn't carry them at the same time. Je-sus christ!

Are the 70mm rockets still Hydras or have they done away with them now?

AH-1Js are the Marine Cobras, right? Or is that AH-1Q...or are they Super Cobras? I can't remember, anywho...Cobras are flash too.
The Cobra is a cool helicopter...


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