As a long time buyer and seller on Ebay, I feel your pain as to shipping costs. The USPS is constantly raising the prices of international shipping. So much, I don't ship out of the USA anymore, some won't ship out of the 48 states. A lot of US sellers don't ship overseas anymore because the cost has gone up so much. One of the reasons shipping could be as much as 25.00 is because if you (seller) want to track the package to ensure it is delivered, you pay thru the nose for shipping. A lot of sellers will only ship with a tracking number because of past dealings where you ship parcel or air post without a tracking number and then you get notified that the package never arrived and no way to check. Unfortunately buyers from overseas lied about receiving a item and the seller has to refund the total amount.
One way to help get the cost down is to tell the seller that you will accept full responsibility for the package shipped at the lowest rate or whatever rate you want as long as the seller sends you a pic of the receipt to verify being mailed.
Ebay now charges an additional fee for shipping and handling charges on sellers regardless of amount charged. A lot of sellers are now doing buy it now auctions rather than a real auction starting low. It saves the hassle of not making what little profit you can get now.
Personally, I wish there were another place to get or sell some things. Ebay and Paypal are owned by the same master corp. Talk about a monopoly. The only one making out is the buyer because of all the fees. With the EBay fees and the Paypal fees, your talking almost 12 to 17 percent sometimes.
Please don't get the impression that I am defending anyone, not knowing the details or the weight or the zip and postal codes, it would be impossible to figure out costs. Most folks send items inside other boxes as I have. Sometimes the outer box is twice as heavy as the model or item being shipped. Most folks charge a modest handling fee, anywhere from almost nothing to a couple of bucks.
Something you might want to think about is having a friend in the states or wherever be the intermediary on shipping items. You trust your friend to ship the item cheaply and depending on the cost it may well be cheaper to do it through your friend. plus it may help in customs or whatever if the item is listed as a gift when your friend ships it. I don't know anything about any countries customs or extra postal fee concerning items shipped from the US.
My 2 cents