Skyraider suitable for escort carriers?? (1 Viewer)

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Airman 1st Class
Nov 20, 2008
Was the Douglas BT2D / AD Skyraider suitable for operation from escort aircraft carriers?? Limits on Takeoff weight when operating off these smaller carriers?

If the Skyraider was not suitable for operation from an escort carrier, was there escort carrier 'suitable' replacement planned for the SBD and TBF/TBM generation of aircraft???
Was the Douglas BT2D / AD Skyraider suitable for operation from escort aircraft carriers?? Limits on Takeoff weight when operating off these smaller carriers?

If the Skyraider was not suitable for operation from an escort carrier, was there escort carrier 'suitable' replacement planned for the SBD and TBF/TBM generation of aircraft???
The only escort carriers to operate the SBD were the 4 Sangamon class, which lraded them for more TBF/TBM by mid-1944. The later SB2C Helldiver, not the SBD, was of the same generation as the TBF, and other than for training purposes or delivery of replacements to the fleet never flew from the decks of escort carriers.

Just before the end of the war the USN began a reorganisation of it carrier air groups with a view to eliminating the TBF/TBM altogether at least from the fleet carriers by late 1946. By this time the need was seen to be more dive bombers in view of the way the war had moved, and the elimination of the IJN surface fleet as a threat. The first step in that process which was beginning to happen in Aug 1945, saw the elimination of the TBF/TBM from the CVL air groups in exchange for more fighters. The next step would have been for the CV to reduce the number of TBM & fighters for more SB2C (which could be used as TB if the need arose). The MIdways air groups were built around the F4U & SB2C only.

However there were other versions of the TBM coming along to fill any immediate need.

The XTBM-4 flew in June 1945 with a strengthened airframe. Eastern were due to switch production to that version in late 1945 but the order for 900 was cancelled before that could happen. In an attempt to improve the performance of the TBM-3E, 2 aircraft were modified at NAMU as XTBM-5 prototypes, but development ended with the end of WW2.

From July 1944 Grumman was developing a 2 seat replacement for the TBF/TBM in the shape of what became the XTB3F (later AF) Guardian. Postwar, with the AD-1 Skyraider & AM-1 Mauler developed to fill the DB/TB role on the fleet carriers, the Guardian was developed as a ASW aircraft to replace the ASW TBMs from around 1950. Some of these may have operated from the larger Commencement Bay class CVE in the ASW role in the 1950s. Postwar it was only a few of these CVE that saw any service in the active fleet operating fixed wing aircraft.
The Bogue, Casablanca, and Commencement Bay classes all had flight decks between 433' and 501' (source for this are the Navypedia entries on these classes). The same entries do not log any AD-1s serving aboard any of these carriers so far as I can see, perhaps because getting them off the deck at GTOW might have been too big an ask? Or perhaps it's as simple as wanting the newest and shiniest planes on the big flattops and rotating the TBFs/TBMs to the escort carriers where they could still carry out excellent ASW work?

The Bogue, Casablanca, and Commencement Bay classes all had flight decks between 433' and 501' (source for this are the Navypedia entries on these classes). The same entries do not log any AD-1s serving aboard any of these carriers so far as I can see. Or perhaps it's as simple as wanting the newest and shiniest planes on the big flattops and rotating the TBFs/TBMs to the escort carriers where they could still carry out excellent ASW work?

You are probably right, the escort carriers didn't need Skyraiders to fulfill their assigned missions, and therefore were not/never assigned ADs.
I am however just trying to get my mind around which aircraft types could operate from the escort carriers had the need arose.

What I think I know;

Operated (or capable of) from escort carriers; F4F / FM Wildcat, F8F Bearcat, SBD Dauntless, and TBF/TBM Avenger

Not suitable; F4U Corsair, SB2C Helldiver, BTD Destroyer, F7F Tigercat

Question mark??: F6F Hellcat, BT2D / AD Skyraider, AM Mauler, Kaiser BTK, TBY/TBU, TB3F / AF Guardian

To further muddy the water, there might be types that could fly from / onto the escort carriers, but maybe were too big to fit the flight deck elevators (I'm looking at you SB2C) or too tall for the hanger deck on these smaller carriers.
You are probably right, the escort carriers didn't need Skyraiders to fulfill their assigned missions, and therefore were not/never assigned ADs.
I am however just trying to get my mind around which aircraft types could operate from the escort carriers had the need arose.

What I think I know;

Operated (or capable of) from escort carriers; F4F / FM Wildcat, F8F Bearcat, SBD Dauntless, and TBF/TBM Avenger

Not suitable; F4U Corsair, SB2C Helldiver, BTD Destroyer, F7F Tigercat

Question mark??: F6F Hellcat, BT2D / AD Skyraider, AM Mauler, Kaiser BTK, TBY/TBU, TB3F / AF Guardian

To further muddy the water, there might be types that could fly from / onto the escort carriers, but maybe were too big to fit the flight deck elevators (I'm looking at you SB2C) or too tall for the hanger deck on these smaller carriers.

The three main classes I linked to could indeed operate F4Us and F6Fs, though not all actually did.

The AD-1 was only about 1,500 pounds heavier GTOW than a TBF/TBM, and roughly the same size. With wings folded, an AD-1 could fit into any of the hangars, though it would be tight -- about 18" of clearance from the hangar roof at best.

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