Smallest Twin Engine

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Video Extraordinaire
Apr 2, 2005
Hi: I am not sure that i will take a ride in this aircraft..



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No offense meant. That is half the irony of the airplane. You CANT imagine those little things getting you airborne. And if they did. You can't imagine them KEEPING you airborne.
Hi: Check on this link you have more info..




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This is the Cri-Cri, an ultralight amateur plane, famous in the early '90 among the European ultralight community.
I think it should be considered a nice toy rather than a commercial proposal, although there was some small 'fan club' and plans for construction are available.
Well I have to give it an "A" for being ingenious and showing just what
people who love to FLY will do to make it a reality...Now, will she
do a loop or snap roll? THAT would totally impress me!!


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