I really wonder if during negative G engine would be stop in early Spitfire and Hurrciane? How it looks like for these 2 cases:
1. - pilot is making shallow sustained dive with only small negative G
2. - pilot is apply suddenly high negative G
I really wonder if engine would be stopped or just have pause in working or so? When engine should be stopped definitly?
I play Il2 1946 where after pushing suddelny negative G or during medium constanly G engine is immidietly stoping but under only small suistaned negative G engine work properly. Is these correct and corespondly to RL?
1. - pilot is making shallow sustained dive with only small negative G
2. - pilot is apply suddenly high negative G
I really wonder if engine would be stopped or just have pause in working or so? When engine should be stopped definitly?
I play Il2 1946 where after pushing suddelny negative G or during medium constanly G engine is immidietly stoping but under only small suistaned negative G engine work properly. Is these correct and corespondly to RL?