Spitfire from Texas

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Just to clarify - the Spitfire is an original from the BoB movie, NOT the BoB itself. It's a MkIX, and one of the aircraft taken in payment for his work on the movie.
All those planes left in a hanger for 40 years! Hasnt some sort of crime been committed here?
No. How many would have been left if they were flying 40 years ago? 40 years has taught us how valuable these aircraft are.

I know there is one guy here in New Zealand who has a similar barn, but on a smaller scale.
No. How many would have been left if they were flying 40 years ago? 40 years has taught us how valuable these aircraft are.

I know there is one guy here in New Zealand who has a similar barn, but on a smaller scale.

The photos I saw showed some planes had just been left, canopies and engine covers off, a shame they wernt better looked after.
Yeah, but there have been a lot stored in worse places (gate guardians, anyone?)

It looked as if there were all sorts of projects in progress then someone just shut the doors and left the lot. There are some very sad AC stood outside in UK. I saw a Vulcan the other month it was just too sad to photograph.

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