Spitfire I canopies???

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Tech Sergeant
Nov 27, 2004
Barnsley, S. Yorks, UK
Hi chaps

I've dusted off my Tamiya Spit I to get it finished, and have run into a slight conundrum I have a choice, according to the instructions, of a 'Straight' or 'Blown' canopy. The straight one is, well, straight, while the blown one looks a bit like a Malcolm hood, being more curved on top. Problem is, the instructions don't say which one should be used.

The aircraft I am modeling is X4561 QJ-B of 92 Squadron, date given is 1940-41, but I suspect the latter end of this as the machine has the Black/Sky split-colour lower surfaces. Any ideas which canopy is the right one?

Thanks in advance

I've not found anything to suggest an introduction date

but X4474 is depicted with the blown hood. One could surmise that a fighter further down the production line would be similarly equipped. X4474 first flew on 16 September 1940, X4561 first flew on 27 September 1940.
Yep, definitely blown, or more correctly, bulged, as the blown canopy, with the sides bulged too, came later. The original flat-topped canopy had all but disappeared by outbreak of war, and gone completely by early 1940.

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