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John Davies,
It is simply not true that the Seafire turned at a higher rate than ANY version of the Zero. The A6M2, 3 5(a,b,c) all enjoyed a considerably higher turn rate than the Spitfire Seafire at all speeds up to 275 mph where the elevators would stiffen up to a level where the average pilot would find it hard to achieve full elevator authority.
As for the Seafire's climb rate, it didn't go past 4,100 fpm AFAIK, which is the same as the A6M5.
The A6M5's performance was as follows:
Max SL speed: 485 km/h (WEP)
Top speed: 565 km/h at 6km (WEP)
Climb rate: ~4,200 ft/min
John Davies,
Brown has made some strange comparisons in his time and was perhaps a bit too fond of the Spitfire, so I wouldn't take what he says as gospel.
HoHun's tables are more accurate as they rely on the undeniable real world physics, so they are excellent reference points.
But that put aside, in terms of max turn rate I can tell for a fact that the A6M Zero's was considerably higher than that of the Seafire Spitfire's up to 275 mph, where the elevator forces reached a level where it was hard to achieve full deflection. So Brown's claim that the Seafire/Spitfire could complete a 360 faster just simply isn't true if the Zeke pilot is pulling full deflection.
But all in all we pretty much agree though, on the climb rate issue as-well, 200 ft/min is really not important in combat, esp. not if you're line abreast at 300y and you both enter a climb cause then there was plenty of time for you to blow the enemy fighter to pieces.
Hi John
I thought Hennings graphs show that Zeke was faster in a sustained turn , could outclimb it above 3000 metres (roughly), and also enjoyed a speed advantage above a certain height. Perhaps we should ask Henning to give a plain english instruction on how to read is graphs???
For the record I am a great fan of the Zeke, but I would be surprised if the A6M5 could outperform the late war seafires. Tactics, pilots, and dive/speed as wel as roll rate made the Seafire a better propsition IMO. My earlier comments were just trying to point out that your comparisons were not on a level playing field. Given two pilots of equal quality, it would be a much closer affair than the 16:1 ratio you had reported.
John Davies,
The 16:1 kill ratio I personally doubt very much, and it is undoubtedly an overblown figure. The RAF RAFN's confirmation procedures weren't the most thurough in the world.
Now that having been said I am in no doubt about the Spitfire Seafires superiority over the Zeke, as long as they didn't get suckered into a turn and burn dogfight. The Zero's achilles heel was its low redline speed and high control forces above 275 mph, and once the Allies knew about it they started blasting it out of the sky in increasing numbers.
A Spitfire or Seafire pilot in the hot spot with a Zeke on his tail could do as the USN pilots did; Roll over, dive dive dive, pull out, climb climb climb and vupti you've suddenly turned the tables and have gained an energy advantage over the trailing Zeke. This was the no.1 evasive tactic if you had a Zeke on your tail, anything else being extremely hazardous, the very reason behind why it was important NOT fly at low alt in areas where there were Zeros present.
When operating in areas where Zeros were present the USN RAFN fighters flew high enough for them to be able to escape by diving away if they were unlucky enough to be unsuspectingly bounced by Zeros.
I am unaware of what stick force figures Henning has used for his calculations or what engine power (Or thrust) figures he has used, all of which are very influential on the final outcome of the calculations. So if he could provide them then we would get a more complete picture.
I speculate that Henning is using too low power figures for the A6M3, as in reality the A6M3 climbed at some 4,500 ft/min while running on WEP (1,130 HP), while the 200 kg heavier A6M5 climbed at some ~4,200 ft/min and was faster because of extra thrust provided by newly designed exhaust pipes.
Now on the other hand the A6M3 is surprisingly fast in Hennings calc's, some 10 km/h faster than the listed speed of the A6M5 in many books (565 km/h), while in reality the A6M5 was the faster of the two as far as I can tell from my sources. But perhaps these figures are not for when running on WEP??
Gee, this has been gone over a bunch of times, there just weren't many combats between Zeroes and Seafires. This 16:1 keeps coming up as if maybe the simplification of the fraction 160/10 or 64/4. No, there was 1 known Seafire loss to Zeroes, in the *only* combat between the two where it's known the Japanese opponents were fighters and not kamikazes, on the last morning of the war August 15 1945, claiming 7 Zeroes. The Japanese losses per their accounts were only 1 Zero lost pilot bailed out WIA and one other pilot WIA but plane apparently not destroyed (see posts above). In all other cases the Seafires were defending carriers close in and it's likely most or all the fighter types they claimed were kamikazes. There just isn't a sufficient track records to draw any firm operational conclusion about Seafire v Zero. Though also as mentioned multiple times, *every* Allied fighter of 1945 that *did* have a significant track record v the Zero claimed to have had a substantial exchange ratio advantage, and where real results are known the typical result was at least some advantage (though usually signficantly more than 'a bit' had to be knocked off the claims, sometimes a lot, as typical throughout WWII).I'm quite prepapred to admit that the FAA's claims are a bit exaggerated. Everyone overclaimed to some extent, because in the heat and confusion of battle, it's impossible to be really sure; also all fighter pilots are optimists, or they would not be fighter pilots! But even knocking off a bit for over-claiming, it is still an impressive record.
Gee, this has been gone over a bunch of times, there just weren't many combats between Zeroes and Seafires. This 16:1 keeps coming up as if maybe the simplification of the fraction 160/10 or 64/4. No, there was 1 known Seafire loss to Zeroes, in the *only* combat between the two where it's known the Japanese opponents were fighters and not kamikazes, on the last morning of the war August 15 1945, claiming 7 Zeroes. The Japanese losses per their accounts were only 1 Zero lost pilot bailed out WIA and one other pilot WIA but plane apparently not destroyed (see posts above). In all other cases the Seafires were defending carriers close in and it's likely most or all the fighter types they claimed were kamikazes. There just isn't a sufficient track records to draw any firm operational conclusion about Seafire v Zero. Though also as mentioned multiple times, *every* Allied fighter of 1945 that *did* have a significant track record v the Zero claimed to have had a substantial exchange ratio advantage, and where real results are known the typical result was at least some advantage (though usually signficantly more than 'a bit' had to be knocked off the claims, sometimes a lot, as typical throughout WWII).
As always, calculation of performance is an interesting exercise, but the assumptions used can vary the results significantly. Good to see the thread at least getting into that a little. I doubt we'll resolve it though to the point where presented calculations can be treated as solid facts as to how the real a/c really performed in the real situation, there's always be significant doubt, IMO, if trying to draw conclusions based on relatively small performance differences.
And, we still haven't found the formula by which we can convert a couple 10's mph or few 100 fpm speed or climb difference into a % advantage in effectiveness in combat in the hands of the same pilot. All we know from basic logic is we'd rather have a faster plane, *if* it was at least as good in all other performance measures. Once there's a small advantage in one category and a small disadvantage in another, there's no way to resolve that deductively in terms of combat effectiveness, it's a matter of opinion. Where planes differ a lot in performance, then it's obvious. I'm still not convinced that intensive study of small performance differences is very meaningful to understanding air combat results in WWII.
if the Seafire had not had a performance advantage, it could not have caught them.
John Spitfires caught and brought down V-1's, so are you now going to suggest that means they were faster ?
You jump to conclusions rather quickly, esp. regarding the above and that because only a single Seafire was lost to a Zero it must in your opinion have been because the Seafire was better. Ever thought about the guys behind the controls or the circumstances in which the various victories were gained ? Like JoeB points out the Seafires pretty much only achieved to shoot down Kamikaze Zeros.
You have to be a bit more objective on the subject.
Hi John,
>He said the first time he flew with a Mark XII squadron, he was not at all happy about this, because it went flatly against everything he had learned as a fighter pilot, but the squadron leader assured him that it did work.
He was right to be unhappy - these are rather dangerous tactics, and the main reason they worked was that the Luftwaffe pilots were not aware of the increased performance of the Spitfire XII. Inviting high-flying fighters to dive on one's own formation is rather dangerous even if they have a performance disadvantage as trying to even out an energy advantage by climbing is a rather slow way, and trying to evade an enemy attack by turning can be very difficult if the enemy formation splits up to attack - pretty much standard tactics.
(I'm sure you're aware that it was Johnnie Johnson who said "Turning doesn't win battles".)
Clostermann's unhappiness with the "cropped" Spitfire he was flying had the same roots as Johnson's - as Boelcke pointed out, one should hold as many advantages as possible before the fight begins, and altitude is a rather important advantage.
Henning (HoHun)