I'm sorry, but that's completely unwarranted. I don't "Jump" to conclusions. I try to reach them, on the basis of the information and evidence available. Of course I've "thought about the guys behind the controls". I've commented more than once in this thread that pilot quality is probably the most important factor of all. Have you actually been reading any of my posts? As for telling me I "need to be more objective"; well first of all there is no such thing as objectivity (balance is another matter, and I do try to reach that), and secondly, it isn't for you or anyone else to tell me what I "need" to be. That's for me to judge. I suppose I ought to add that this sort of sententious remark is characteristic of someone who has run out of good points to make, and is now resorting to "argumentum ad hominem".
Run out of arguments ?? John so far your only argument for the Seafires superiority over the Zero seems to be that just one got shot down and that because of a radio failure, now that's a failure to be objective IMO.
Also as for staying low against FW's, well that's pretty much committing suicide. Why ? Because the FW-190 is faster at low alt than the Spitfire (Unless the Spit XII could top 580 km/h at SL) and has absolutely no problem following a Spitfire's maneuvers at high speed, the FW190 is infact far more maneuverable at high speed. Furthermore the FW190 dives and zoom climbs a lot better..
So as you might imagine it was not a very good idea for a Spitfire to fly low where'ever there were FW-190's present, hence the RAF's strict advice for its pilots not to do this.