Soren said:RG_Lunatic said:Umm... a .50 hit is at least 6-10 times more damaging than a .303 hit. .50's had good range, .303's had poor range.
I disagree, the .50 was a decent fighter vs. fighter round. Perhaps not as good as the Hispano, but two .50's were about the equivalent of one Hispano, all factors considered. And they were almost 3 times more reliable.
Yes the .50 is more powerful, but the ROF is low, and at 30-120m the 4x.303's are just as good as the 2x.50's.
Anyway the Spit IX and XIV both had the "B", "C" armament, and it was sufficient.
The "A" armament (8x.303's) during BoB was sufficient for shooting down fighters, so why shouldnt the much better "B" and "C" be so to ?
The .50's had about five times the hitting power of the .303 at the muzzle. By 100 meters, this has increased to about eight to nine times the hitting power. The .303's had a hard time penetrating even the 109's armor from point blank range. The .50 AP or API round could easily penetrate the reaf of the fuselage near the tail, pass through the pilot's seat armor, pass through the firewall, and end up damaging the engine, from point blank range (or out to as much as 100 meters). From 300 meters, the .50 could still easily penetrate the fuselage and both the aluminum and steel seat armor to reach the pilot.
.303's could strike German self-sealing fuel tanks repeatedly with minimal effect. A single .50 hit to the fuel tank was usually enough to rupture it beyond its ability to self-seal, and often sufficient to cause a fire as well. And that does not consider the incendiary effect - when this is factored in the .303's simply cannot compare, they could not carry enough incendiary to be very effective, where the .50's could.
Even at point blank range the .303 was not nearly as effective as the .50, it would take at least three .303's to equal a single .50, even accounting for the RoF. The 1200 rpm RoF of the .303 was really not that much of an advantage over the 850 rpm RoF of the .50 BMG, given the poor .303 ballistics vs. the excellent .50 ballistics. And in 4 x .50 installations, such as on the P-51B, the guns were usually tweaked to fire at about 950 rpm.
Look at the facts Soren - the P-51B with 4 x .50's had very much superior armament to the Spitfires armed with 8 x .303's. There is simply no disputing it, even the British agreed.