Spitfire XIV vs Bf-109 K-4 vs La-7 vs Yak-3

Which is the best at the below criteria?

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Sorry Bill but hat's just pure BS, I didn't take "your" opinion. I put it the way I've done throughout the thread.

The full elliptical lift distribution I have always maintained was achieved in turns, i.e. where aeroelasticity affects the wing and "bends" back the orginial 2 degree's of twist causing the whole wing to stall at the same AoA. That has been my argument from the start Bill.

This is precisely what you said in post 64 page 5

However in the case of the 190 you will note that the wing twist was applied to such a degree as to provide elliptical lift distribution under G's (which btw is the reason for the violent departure), it was purposely done so to achieve the maximum 'e' factor and therefore L/D ratio in turns. Now ofcourse you wont see that on Lednicer's comparison as his simulation was done under 1 G, something you seem unable to grasp.

Summary of your first post which I took exception to
A. "wing twist was applied to such a degree as to provide elliptical lift distribution under G's (which btw was the reason for violent departure..

In the case of A I pointed out two things repeatedly - The departure was caused by aeroelastic effects to the wing under G loading and that the Fw 190 had an unusual twist concept - namely 2 degrees from root to zero at 81.5 percent of span - then stayed zero to the tip.

But, I pointed out, twist is applied to (ALL) trapezoidal wings to attempt to approach an elliptical wing efficiencies for lift distribution and induced drag

Here is what I said on Post 77 to support my thesis

From pages 550-551 - chapter Elements of Finite wing theory, "Principles of Ideal-Fluid Aerodynamics", Krishnamurty Karamcheti, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics- Stanford Univesity.. Published by John Wiley and Sons -1966

"To obtain an elliptic lift distribution on a (geometrically and aerodynamically) untwisted wing, the spanwise distribution of the chord should be elliptic"

Point 1. Elliptical Wing is the optimal planform for minimum Induced Drag
Point 2. Varying the tip ratio to approximately .4 will closely approach an Elliptical Wing as far as reducing the induced drag at the sacrifice of adding more weght (for same aspect ratio)
Point 3. The downwash corresponding to an elliptic lift distribution is a constant all along the span, further the rolling and yawing moments on such a wing are zero no matter how the chord, the angle of attack and the wing section are arranged.

Further, from 12:8-9 Spanwise Lift Distribution under Load "Supersonic and Subsonic Airplane Design" by Gerald Corning Professor Aeronautical Engineering Department - University of Maryland 1960

Point 4. The downwash corresponding to a trapezoidal wing planform varies along the span
Point 5. The spanwise lift coefficient for a trapezoidal wing planform changes with the downwash along the span.
Point 6. The G forces have bearing only on the elastic properties of the wing - and have nothing to do with lift distribution Unless and Until the wing twists or bends to change the relative angle of attack from 'no load' angle.
Point 7. The changes which tend to throw lift load Outboard are a function of bending rigidity, while the changes which tend to throw lift load Inboard are a function of torsional rigidity.

Therefore - pulling high G's seemed to affect the Fw 190 for two reasons (not known when designed) a.) aeroelastic bending of the Fw190 wing, moving the lift distribution outboard, and b.) not having twist in the outboard 20% of the span. As Lednicer quotes the LW report dated January 1944 you may presume he knows more about the German explanation than you do.

Page 89 of Lednicer's Report.


I state unequivovally that "G forces have nothing to do with lift distribution, per se", that G forces DO affect the elastic properties of the wing which in turn DO affect the lift Distribution.

I conclude that the Fw 190 experienced the violent stall in high G turns because Aeroelastic effects combined with the lack of twist in the outer 20 percent of its span

You did not understand the reason for the violent stall until I quoted the German Report dated January, 1944 and Lednicers observations on page 89 of his report. You subsequently copied the paragraph from his report and posed it as 'your find' explaning what you had said all along on Page 6, Post 89

Oh and next time read all of what Lednicer says in his article:

"A wartime Focke Wulf report (Ref. 14) indicates that at higher loading conditions (i.e. when pulling more gs) elastic deformation of the Fw 190 out wing shifts the load distribution outboard [elliptical effect = entire wing generates lift at the same angle of attack]. This would cause even more of the wing to reach its stalling lift coefficient simultaneous. Combined with the sharp stalling features of NACA 23000 airfoils, this would produce the harsh stall found in by Capt. Brown. A gentle stall would be evidenced by a more gradual progression of the 2D stall spanwise. "

Hmmm.. you turn Bill!

Summary -
Here you quote from page 89 of Lednicers Report (my reference to you in my post 77 above and present it as your idea!!

Then you quote from Gene in your Post 87
"Aeroelasticity is simply a byproduct of flying and all aircraft experience it. The NACA 23000 series of airfoils have a harsh stall with no washout due to the fact they produce elliptical lift along the entire airfoil. That means with no washout the entire wing stalls at once. This is why the FW-190's wing is twisted to prevent it.

When aeroelasticity removes this twist then the FW-190 exhibits a harsh stall."

I restate what Lednicers page 89 says

"A wartime Focke Wulf report (Ref 14) indicates that at higher wing loading conditions (i.e. when pulling more gs) elastic deformation of the Fw 190 outer wing shifts the load distribution outward. This would cause more of the wing to reach its stalling lift coefficient simultaneously. Combined with the sharp stalling features of the NACA 230xx airfoils, this would produce the sharp stall found by Capt. Brown.

I say the issue is more related to the elastic deformation (aeroelastic effect) in the outer wing than just simply the fact that it had zero twist..

Then in your Post 89 you quote Lednicer's report paragraph word for word as I just stated it and tell me "You can't wiggle out of this one"

A wartime Focke Wulf report (Ref 14) indicates that at higher wing loading conditions (i.e. when pulling more gs) elastic deformation of the Fw 190 outer wing shifts the load distribution outward. This would cause more of the wing to reach its stalling lift coefficient simultaneously. Combined with the sharp stalling features of the NACA 230xx airfoils, this would produce the sharp stall found by Capt. Brown

Summary - so Far you appear to have moved to Lednicer from your Original Thesis below..

A. However in the case of the 190 you will note that the wing twist was applied to such a degree as to provide elliptical lift distribution under G's (which btw is the reason for the violent departure), it was purposely done so to achieve the maximum 'e' factor and therefore L/D ratio in turns. to

How did you get there?

You checked with Gene first, and quoted him directly.. but even a very good as Gene is he didn't remember the part of the Lednicer report about aeroelastic efffects - and you 'parroted' his observation about no twist was the cause for CL max being reached simultaneously (BTW I believe he is right but he forgot the part about elastic deformation in the tip region accelerating the issue)

Finally you write to Gene

Hello Crumpp,

I (Or we) need your knowledge on something, you see recently I got into an argument with a member at another forum for saying this:

The Fw-190's wing achieved elliptical lift distribution during G's because of aeroelasticity negating the original 2 degree twist applied to the 190's wing. This is what caused the violent departure in turns when pulling G's as compared to when stalling at 1 G.

This is your final 'modification' after my repeated bashings of your earlier statements and BTW is is Still Wrong in one respect.

The aeroelastic effect was Not to Negate the 2 degree twist, it was to affect the outer zero twist tip area..

I suspect that the torsional load created by the aileron, combined with the lack of twist in the outer 20% is what did it - and was TOTALLY unanticipated by any Focke Wulf structural engineers who did not have the analytical methods today to model the airframe under complex loads.

So, look at your original statements, look at my rebuttals including specifically the content from aero texts at the beginning and Lednicer's report, Look at my corrections to your statements, look at Gene's contributions and see your 'position statement above evolve -

from 'eliptical lift under high G's' to 'aeroelastic effect negating the original 2 degree twist' ... that is a long reach Soren and you still didn'tget it right.

I rest my case.

spit14(all series) production:

MK14 :482
MK14E: 44
FR14:423 (photo recco armed but still main role is photo recco!)

And the reason, at least for me, that there were so few of them is simply because the Griffon was more a complicated (also to build) engine than the Merlin, but that stays my OPINION and nothing else.(don't have any numbers or factory repports on this)

Btw: at high alt, the mk14 would have been dead meat for the k-4.
Down there, it would have been another story.
Or just fall asleep :sleepy1: Even if they said they would quit, they still can't :rolleyes:

I just have unless someone a.) wishes and explanation, or b.) wants to discuss the 'art' versus 'science' of Aeroelasticity during WWII through 1960's

In which case set up another thread - this one has been trashed enough - for which I apologise
But Bill Gene's statement was that the NACA 23000 series airfoil featured an elliptical lift distribution when there was no washout, not that twist/washout was applied to create elliptical lift.

A Complete Waste of Space
Aeroelasticity is simply a byproduct of flying and all aircraft experience it. The NACA 23000 series of airfoils have a harsh stall with no washout due to the fact they produce elliptical lift along the entire airfoil. That means with no washout the entire wing stalls at once. This is why the FW-190's wing is twisted to prevent it.
But Bill Gene's statement was that the NACA 23000 series airfoil featured an elliptical lift distribution when there was no washout, not that twist/washout was applied to create elliptical lift.

A Complete Waste of Space

KK - first - that wasn't Gene saying that - it was JG14_josf.. and he inserted the reference to 'elliptical' in brackets in the very same paragraph we have been using from Lednicer's report on page 89. I took Soren to task on that 'quote' as it was not accurately lifted from Lednicer.

KK - go back to I think - #77. I state (a quote from the Karamcheti text) - that only an elliptical wing will give you a wing in which there is no downwash for the entire span - without twist.

That means for a 230xx airfoil, it will exhibit elliptical lift distribution if the planform of the wing using that airfoil is a.) elliptical, and b.) untwisted. The Fw 190A (and D) both have Trapezoidal Wings and have twist (from 0 to 81.5% span).. so Zero chance of being close to 'True' elliptical... and always less than that of a Spitfire wing using the same airfoil.

A trapezoidal wing has a spanwise downwash unless it is twisted. With that twist it will 'better approximate' an ellitical wing with respect to lift distribution, but have more induced drag than the same airfoil in an elliptical planform.

The trapezoidal wing however, if given a tip chord close to .4 will result in lowered induced drag and again closely approximate an elliptical wing with No twist with respect to induced drag.. this is a simple statement overlooking the fact that it is a blanket statement with caveats.

The Spitfire wing was 'close' to being an elliptical wing and had a lift distribution 'closer' to elliptical than the Mustang and the Fw 190. But it was NOT a true Elliptical Wing and NOT a true Elliptical Lift Distribution - but definitely better than both the 51 and the 190.

The Spits also featured twist that was constant from root to tip, IIRC, but went all the way to the tip. It started at 2.0 degrees, then twisted to -.25 degrees at the tip. The twist had the effect of 'screwing up the elliptical' from optimal by shifting the Lift Distribution to higher than elliptical 'optimal inboard of the .50 spand then lower than elliptical 'optimal outboad of the .50 span. The Twist reduced the lift distribution below lowest induced drag but gave the Spit nice aileron/tip control at low speed/high angle of attack relative to the Fw 190 and the Mustang

The Fw 190 had the aforementioned 230xx airfoil which has nice lift profile, and an unusual wing with respect to the spanwise twist of its Trapezoidal wing planform. It ranging from +2 to zero at 81.5 % of span - then stops - with zero twist and zero angle to the aerodynamic chord.

That outside 20%, I believe, would give the wing a nicer lift profile in cruise and low to medium angles of attack - than it would if twisted all the way out.

But it sacrificed some margin of error in the much debated discussion, when elastic deformation under high g turning loads caused the tip area to stall below the predicted angle of attack by FW engineers (My Opinion Only).. it stalled I believe because the torsional 'deflection' twisted the mean aerodynamic chord of that area 'positive' relative to the inboard negative twist.

I could be wrong but that is my theory.


spit14(all series) production:

MK14 :482
MK14E: 44
FR14:423 (photo recco armed but still main role is photo recco!)

And the reason, at least for me, that there were so few of them is simply because the Griffon was more a complicated (also to build) engine than the Merlin, but that stays my OPINION and nothing else.(don't have any numbers or factory repports on this)

Btw: at high alt, the mk14 would have been dead meat for the k-4.
Down there, it would have been another story.

Note: FR MkXIV stands for Fighter/Recon, main role is fighter, secondary role is recon. Planes whose primary role was recon started with a PR prefix (Photo Recon), eg PR Mk XI.

Also, the Griffon engine development was started in 1939, there was plenty of time to gear up for production, and in some ways was simpler to produce than the Merlin, for example oil lines/galleries as part of the castings, rather than external lines which could leak as in the Merlin.

At high alt the Mk XIV would be completely dominant over the 109K4. For example, at 32,800 ft (10k) Mk XIV (18lb boost) with much higher climb rate 2200ft/min compared to 1476 ft/min (1.8ata), higher top speed 440 compared to 428, and of course lower wingloading, not to mention the 5 blade prop. Mk XIV had a higher ceiling as well.

Damn I was just going to say the same thing, you just typed faster then me.

I have to agree with Bill on this one.


Bill Who??

Hunter there is a good textbook if you care to get a mile wide and a foot deep on Preliminary Design Considerations which covers a great deal. I think he does a good job running a middle road between complex and 'too simple' but it virtually covers everything - then has a couple of illustrative examples of design study steps from concept to complete set of analysis (other than Strucures/Aeroelasticity) to estimate 'everything'.

What it also does exceptionally well is consider judgement - trade offs for all the optional approaches to solve a performance target.

It's out of print but I highly recommend it or something like 'it'

"Supersonic and Subsonic Airplane Design" by Gerald Corning
Ok Bill that sounds good (and thanks for the corrections).

Not to get the thread more off topic, but how do varying elliptical planforms effect the lift distribution, ie the Spit's wing has the ellipse stretched toward the leading edge, compared to a pure elliptical wing as seen on the He 70, or He 112, or the straight LE with elliptical trailing edge of the P-47/P-35/P-43 (and the Re.2000 series fighters) or He 280. Or elliptcal with clipped tips like the CW spitfire, Tempest, or P-47N.

Or adding rounded wingtips to a trapezoidal planform. (ie Bf 109F)
Bill you're completely in the woods with what I said or implied.

Like I've been saying from the very beginning the Fw-190 achieved elliptical lift distribution in turns, i.e. when aeroelasticity makes itself felt. Now if I had said that it plain simple just featured elliptical lift distribution and mentioned nothing of in which flight regime, then I could understand your confusion. But fact is I said in turns, the reason obviously being that aerodynamic forces caused the wing to "bend" (Aeroelasticity) and straighten out the original 2 degree's of twist applied to easen the stalling characteristics.

However somehow you get this twisted into I didn't know what aeroelasticity was before you even mentioned it. Well Bill I've discussed the effects of aeroelasticity and which a/c it affected most notably on this forum before, and trust me the phenomenon is very well known to me.

Now let's wait to hear what Crumpp has to say..
Soren you also said that the areoelastic changes were planned by the designers, which you now admit as wrong. (corrected by Gene) Bu bill seems to still be thinking that you hold that true.
I do not know as it refers to in English, but in Russian it refers to "ПИПИСЬКОМЕРСТВО".
That is why you have decided, what Spit the best? Why? He loses Ла-7 in speed up to 4000 m. And he is better? Ла-7 loses to him after 6000 m. And it is not surprising. Soviet planes were created for the other tasks, English for the and you compare them simply on figures. And unless it is correct? NO!!!
Well, for example, there is a group of Typhoons. They are covered with group Spit-s. Height of 1000 m. I doubt, that Spit can cover Typhoons from Me-109 and FW-190 at this height. At P. Closterman it is written, that in 1944 group of 12 Typhoons lost 6! When in the Soviet Air Forces even in 1943 loss 2 of 12 IL-2 - 2 was considered not allowable! It is present in view of from influence of fighters of the opponent.
Opinion of Czech pilot Vladimir Fros, which flied both on English, and on German, and by the Soviet machines.
Ла-7 Had no such maneuverability as Як-3, but was much more safe, due to the greater durability of a design of a glider and very reliable engine of air cooling.
In comparison with Bf 109, fighters Як-3, Ла-5 and Ла-7 looked much more maneuverable, Fros considers, that the Soviet planes surpassed Ve-109 in all respects.
Comparing Ла-5 and Ла-7 with Spit, Fros prefers the British fighter. To operate Ла-7 on all modes it was much more difficult, than Spit. Plane Lavochkina demanded the appendix of significant efforts to the handle of management while Spit it was possible to operate кончиками fingers. Under characteristics Spit also looked better, than Ла-7, however it is not necessary to forget, that the British plane was made at a factory with much higher culture of manufacture. Maintenance service Ла-7 is much easier, than at Me-109 or Spit. Engine ASH-82FN almost always was dirty because of constant emission of oil, however worked extremely reliably; to him Russian saying is to the greatest degree applicable: "Works as an animal" (Работает как зверь! :) ). On Spit the fuel tank - directly ahead of the pilot very unsuccessfully settled down. Such configuration cost lives to set of pilots: the burning tank instantly transformed the plane into a crematorium.
Theoretical comparisons is one, practice - is a little bit another. In air Ла-7, as though got rid of the lacks. The Czech pilots had an opportunity to do some flying by planes of all countries struggled in the second world war, they also were free from ideologia, in other words - they can be counted independent experts. After war in Czechoslovakia comparative air fights Ла-7 with Bf 109 and Spit were carried out. On La flied Leopold Shrom which has proved advantage of the Soviet plane in everything, without exception, fights.
In 1945 carried out indicative fights in Berlin. Spit - 14, Темпест against Soviet Yak. Uniform chance at planes of allies. And know why? Because Spit has not been designed for conducting such WAR. Spit is a high-altitude interceptor, instead of a front fighter!
And compare La-7, Spit, Me-109 on one only to figures it is not true!!!
In the conclusion I shall tell opinion of our veterans: to fly better on Yak-3, and to be at war on La-7!
Bill you're completely in the woods with what I said or implied.

Like I've been saying from the very beginning the Fw-190 achieved elliptical lift distribution in turns, i.e. when aeroelasticity makes itself felt. Now if I had said that it plain simple just featured elliptical lift distribution and mentioned nothing of in which flight regime, then I could understand your confusion. But fact is I said in turns, the reason obviously being that aerodynamic forces caused the wing to "bend" (Aeroelasticity) and straighten out the original 2 degree's of twist applied to easen the stalling characteristics.

Soren this is what you said to start this on page 5, post 51(?), the underlines in your text are mine

Ok Bill, lets solve this;

I know the purpose of downward wing twist (washout), I've explained it on here various times before; it is for preventing tip stall, or to put it more thuroughly keeping the outboard wing section from stalling before the inboard section, making sure the a/c doesn't suddenly enter an uncontrollable spin without warning as-well as keeping the ailerons effective up until the stall. The 109's slats were positioned the way they were for the very same reason.

However in the case of the 190 you will note that the wing twist was applied to such a degree as to provide elliptical lift distribution under G's (which btw is the reason for the violent departure), it was purposely done so to achieve the maximum 'e' factor and therefore L/D ratio in turns. Now ofcourse you wont see that on Lednicer's comparison as his simulation was done under 1 G, something you seem unable to grasp

"However somehow you get this twisted into I didn't know what aeroelasticity was before you even mentioned it. Well Bill I've discussed the effects of aeroelasticity and which a/c it affected most notably on this forum before, and trust me the phenomenon is very well known to me".

Now let's wait to hear what Crumpp has to say..

As long as we are waiting - parse your statements above (the originals in Bold) with the statement you posted in this post at the very top.

You said twist "it is for preventing tip stall, or to put it more thuroughly keeping the outboard wing section from stalling before the inboard section, making sure the a/c doesn't suddenly enter an uncontrollable spin without warning"
So by definition if a wing has twist it won't enter an uncontrollable stall without warning?

Yet the Fw 190 exhibited such characteristics, but you said

However in the case of the 190 you will note that the wing twist was applied to such a degree as to provide elliptical lift distribution under G's (which btw is the reason for the violent departure),

Further in the statement above you said,

Now ofcourse you wont see that on Lednicer's comparison as his simulation was done under 1 G, something you seem unable to grasp.

and I said starting in Post 77

"Point 6. The G forces have bearing only on the elastic properties of the wing - and have nothing to do with lift distribution Unless and Until the wing twists or bends to change the relative angle of attack from 'no load' angle.
Point 7. The changes which tend to throw lift load Outboard are a function of bending rigidity, while the changes which tend to throw lift load Inboard are a function of torsional rigidity.

Therefore - pulling high G's seemed to affect the Fw 190 for two reasons (not known when designed) a.) aeroelastic bending of the Fw190 wing, moving the lift distribution outboard, and b.) not having twist in the outboard 20% of the span. As Lednicer quotes the LW report dated January 1944 you may presume he knows more about the German explanation than you do.

Page 89 of Lednicer's Report.

The Page 89 of Lednicer's report says

A wartime Focke Wulf report (Ref 14) indicates that at higher wing loading conditions (i.e. when pulling more gs) elastic deformation of the Fw 190 outer wing shifts the load distribution outward. This would cause more of the wing to reach its stalling lift coefficient simultaneously. Combined with the sharp stalling features of the NACA 230xx airfoils, this would produce the sharp stall found by Capt. Brown

I just created a thread named Aerodynamics and aeroelasticity - let's take this away from this thread. BTW you have not responded to the three questions I asked you about this subject in the thread -
Ok Bill that sounds good (and thanks for the corrections).

Not to get the thread more off topic, but how do varying elliptical planforms effect the lift distribution, ie the Spit's wing has the ellipse stretched toward the leading edge, compared to a pure elliptical wing as seen on the He 70, or He 112, or the straight LE with elliptical trailing edge of the P-47/P-35/P-43 (and the Re.2000 series fighters) or He 280. Or elliptcal with clipped tips like the CW spitfire, Tempest, or P-47N.

Or adding rounded wingtips to a trapezoidal planform. (ie Bf 109F)

Take it to the aerodynamics and aeroelasticity thread and I will answer what I can.

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