Stearman Drawing

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
Back in the thread where we discussed the Revell 1/48 PT-17 kit, Fubar57 said that he needed some rigging info.

Attached are two drawings I found I had as part of a PT-13D pilot's manual.

Note that the Stearman has "javelins", which are the poles that go between the front and back wires where they cross. It seems that these are often forgotten in such biplane kits. For example I do not think that either the old Monogram 1/32 F3F kit nor the much later Accurate Miniatures 1/48 F3F kit showed these. The only reason I knew to look for them is that I helped a friend install some on his 1:1 Waco 10 1929 biplane.

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