Structural repair manuals and sheetmetal books wanted

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Apr 21, 2009
I am a sheetmetal worker and am looking for SRM for any WW2 aircraft. I see that this site has a lot of E and M manual and pilot handbooks. Any SRM manuals or sheetmeal books that can be downloaded? I have a lot of Warbird parts, books, manuals and air racing stuff to trade.

Randy Tait
Hi Randy,
We have a digital copy of the structural repair manual for the P51-H we are restoring and Chanute Air Museum. You mentioned you have Warbird parts available for trade? Can you list what kind of things you have? We are looking for trim knobs for our Mustang but also may be interested in other Mustang parts.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Check out our project at and select the "Mustang Restoration Project" on the home page

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