I looked up the ME109 E airfoil and P51D airfoil. The P51 drops CL drops rapidly above 10 degree AoA, the ME109 continues with a greater CL until around 20 degrees AoA. What saves the P51 is as long as they kept speed up then 6-8 degrees AoA is all the plane can do in a continuous banking turn. Once below ~275 MPH the ME109 has the advantage.
The Stall CLmax is around .15. The 109 with LE slats is closer to .20 and does have an advantage - all other factors being equal. Factors that were not equal was tha a.) stick forces/aileron response above 300 mph favored the Mustang, with advantage increasing as speed increase, b.) the Mustang retained energy better, therefore lost velocity slower.
Last and hard to quantify. In a high G/high AoA envelope there is a pronounced increase in profile drag which again is a major factor in power requirements for the turn as well as increased energy bleed. The 109 CDo was about 60% higher than the 51. Presumably the Profile Drag contribution to the 109 was higher proportionately than the 51. Having said that, I don't know that.
A lot of 109s were shot down in turning fights. Presumably ditto for P-51 but pilot ability and feel for the airplane is a Major factor