Ta152 H0 H1

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Apr 6, 2008
What are the differences between these two aircraft? I am especially interested in the exterior differences.

Both the Ta 152H-0 and Ta 152H-1 were similar, the former having no wing tankage. Both used the Jumo 213E-1 engine, had an engine mounted 30mm MK 108 cannon, a 20mm MK 151 cannon in each wing root ( Revi 16b gunsight used, later to have the EZ 42 aiming system with automatic lead computing installed ), 330lbs. of armor protection for the engine and pilot, FuG 16ZY and FuG 25a radio equipment, and later Ta 152s were fitted with Rustsatze ( field conversion kits ) in the factory with FuG 125 Hermine D/F for navigation and blind landing, LGW-Siemens K 23 autopilot, and a heated armorglass windscreen for bad-weather operations. The pilot's cockpit was pressurized, the rivets around the cockpit skinning being sealed with DHK 8800 paste, the sliding canopy hood sealed via a circular tube filled with foam rubber which was inflated by a compressed air bottle, while the engine compartment was also sealed with a foam rubber ring. A Knorr 300/10 air compressor provided the pressure, maintaining the cockpit pressure at .36 atmospheres above 8,000 meters. To prevent fogging, the windscreen was of a double-pane style with an 8mm thick outer pane and a 3mm inner pane with a 6mm gap between the two with Silicagel capsules, eight in all. The MW 50 injection system was standard with the GM 1 method planned for future incorporation. Total tankage of fuel was 595 liters for the H-0 model with the option of a 300 liter, underbelly drop tank. The H-1 model had even more fuel in six unprotected bag tanks in the wings, totalling 470 liters, of which one of the tanks served as the MW 50 injection tank. The H-1 could use the 300 liter droptank as well as a 600 liter droptank. Weapon fits, in addition to the above, could include unguided rockets, such as the R4M, mounted under the wings. Free-fall bombs, however, could not be used given the mission of the Ta 152H series.

source: Focke-Wulf ( Kurt Tank ) Ta 152

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