' Tank Release Lever ' Query

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Sep 12, 2010
My late Uncle served as a crew chief with fighter aircraft in Europe during WW2. During his long postwar career in the Air Force, he also served with bomber craft, B58's. In going through some of his things, I cam across this small lever. It's aluminum and the handle pull part is about 2 inches across. I was wondering if this is military plane related (drop tanks?) or some other random item completely unrelated. Thank you! Kim


  • Tank Release (1).jpg
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  • Tank Release (2).jpg
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  • Tank Release (3).jpg
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The style fits many aircraft but many would have had a part number cast or stamped in. This may have had an inked on number and may well have come from an aircraft.
Thank you for your reply.
I'll check the lever out more closely to see if it has any marks.

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