The Big Ugly, Curtiss A-8 and A-12 Shrike

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Senior Airman
Mar 4, 2016
The most obvious difference between the A-12 and the A-8 is the air-cooled, radial engine in the A-12, which replaced the A-8's inline, water-cooled engine. This was a response to the USAAC's move toward a preference for radial engines, especially in attack aircraft. Designed in response to a 1929 United States Army Air Corps requirement for an attack aircraft to replace the A-3 Falcon (a later post). We will start with the A-8.
~A-12_Shrike inflight 1.jpg

3rd Attack Group near Lake Elsinore.jpg
051116-F-1234P-031  Curtiss XA-8.jpg
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