The Greatest Fighter Pilot in WW II???

The Best Ace???

  • Ivan Kozhedub

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Erich Hartmann

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Constantine Cantacuzine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Richard Bong

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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Yeah I know exactly how you feel. I have only served sind 2000 but this deployment to Iraq has done it in for me. I was in Kosovo for 10 months then came home for 3 weeks and went to the field, then went to PLDC school for a month, then back to the field and then one month later went to Iraq. After seing my wife for only 2 months over the last 2 and half years I decided I am done as soon as I get out of Iraq, well atleast a year after I get back I will be done.
I took an extended Med Cruise that lasted 7 1/2 months, which included Somolia operations, and when we finally came home, it was for 2 days before I was sent into Haiti for another 4 months.... It was horrible... See my wife and kid for 2 days in a year??? Comeon... How much can a husband and father take????
No the mini guns are only used by the 160th Nightstalkers special ops aviation group. All I get to play with is a M-60D machine gun. Just like the old ground 60 but it is modified for use from an aircraft with a butterfly grip and a circular sight, both similar to the ones used by gunners on bombers in WW2. I wish they would give me a minigun I could tear some **** up with that.
Yeah some not as much as other units (knock on wood). Pretty much as a utility aircraft we try to stay clear and haul balls when the shit hits the fan. The Apache guys though see it day in and day out.
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