The Greatest Fighter Pilot of WWII... Finalized....

The Greatest Fighter Pilot of WWII..........

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From what I read about Finucane, he was a tremendous pilot, I think his early demise has kept his identity from being well recognized by many WW2 enthusiasts.
Yes , it's a shame but your right FlyboyJ.His short career belies his skills.He does remain largely unrecognized. A real shame.
Hartmann did not have success at first. It was not until he changed his tactics that he started getting kills.

He did not get the name Bubi just because he looked young, but because he was young.

is it true that while in Soviet captivity he gave up on his fellow comrades? I think some problems with the rest german prisoners occured
I'll do further research on that Adler, thx though.

May be a bit off topic, but i can't help mentioning one of the most inspiring pilots to me:
Hans Ulrich Rudel who eventually flew in a fw 190 and succeeded a few kills (so technically he is an ace) , he was more of a soldier in a flying tank rather a fighter pilot.

The following text is copied from a fine site :Achtung Panzer!

During his career, Rudel flew over 2530 (around 400 of his sorties were flown in a Focke-Wulf 190 fighter plane during whichhe was credit with 11 air victories) missions and destroyed around 150 various artillery pieces, 519 tanks, around 1000 various vehicles, 70 landing crafts, 2 Lavochkin La-3 fighters, Il-2 Stormovik and sunk Battleship "Marat", 2 Cruisers and a Destroyer. Rudel was responsible for such huge damages to the Red Army that Joseph Stalin himself put a price of 100.000 rubles on his head.He flew more than 600.000km and used more than 5.000.000 liters of fuel. Hans Rudel dropped over 1.000.000kg of bombs, fired over 1.000.000 of machine gun rounds, over 150.000 20mm rounds and over 5000 37mm rounds. Rudel thought that the Lend-Lease American tanks were easier to kill than the Soviet T-34s, but he hated their machine guns, because once he was shotdown by one. Rudel was an outstanding pilot with experience,who loved to fly and destroy.He hated to take homeleave or sickleave and even when he got his leg amputatedhe was not depressed since he couldstill do what he loved - fly and destroy.During his career, Hans Rudel showed remarkable power, toughness, fearlessness, unparalleled determination and arrogance but none of his photos show any impact of the hardship of war on his face. His personal bravery was beyond belief and his place in the annals of military history thoroughly deserved, although it is important to remember the words of an American Protocol-Officer, who absolutely correctly named Rudel "the typical Nazi Officer". Rudel's famous quotation was "Verloren ist nur, wer sich selbst aufgibt" ("Lost are only those, who abandon themselves").
WHHHAAAT!??!?!?! No douglas Bader?!?!? In my opinion, he was the best for having lost his legs, but never giving up on his he took back into the air after the crash of his plane, in a moddified plane and continued service. True patriotism, gallantry and bravery and commitment!
isn't it funny how things go

"THE BEST"....what defines the best and who can determine what the best is.

some here vote for the best on the number of kills

some here vote on the number of combats they survived

some here vote for the most charismatic character

and some here downgrade an individual on the basis of the aircraft they fly.

by asking for the BEST you ask for a personal opinion of those that weren't there, didn't fly with these people and most of all know nothing but facts written in a book somewhere.

a crap pilot in a crap plane will get blown out of the sky buy a good pilot in a good plane

moreover a crap pilot in an excellent plane will get done over by a veteran in a crap plane

and lastly...all though not the end note

a bloody good pilot will get done over buy a dam lucky shot...or by his own stupidity( read arrogance to some) or by his own AA fire in a heated moment.

I go back a few pages to Clive Caldwell
flew P40's in the middle east and Spitfires in SWPA
yet managed to shoot down at least 2 well known "Experten" in the Middle east with... "a piece of crap" and a total of 20 aircraft both Italian and German before being posted back to Australia to blow a further 8 Japanese out of the skies.

he also developed the techniques for deflection shooting that became standard tactics for ALL allied pilots

makes him a dam good pilot in my books...not because of his kills ...but his ability to use his equipment to the best of its ability.

Preddy flew p39's and p40's i believe in the SWPA before going to further fame in the ETO after he was downed and could no longer serve in the SWPA as per regs of the day

he then gets his hands on a P51 a great aircraft and makes a big name for himself.
does this make him one of the best?...or just a pilot with experience that learnt to use what he had at his disposal?

you cant claim...or vote on the BEST..unless all have the same equipment..the same training and the same ablities to interpret.

NO contest
their all the best at what they did...and the way they did it...for their countries

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