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mil Philippine Naval Special Operations Group 1800x1200.jpg

Members of the Philippine Naval Special Operations Group approach USNS Millinocket (T-EPF 3) while participating in Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) training during South East Asia Cooperation and Training (SEACAT) in waters off the coast of Puerto Princesa, Philippines. (Micah Blechne/U.S. Navy)
Philippines: Militant Wanted for Beheadings, 3 Others Killed

A J-20 stealth fighter jet attached to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command takes part in exercises. The aircraft is not equipped with a Luneburg lens, a radar reflector used to make a stealth aircraft visible to others in training or non-combat flights. Photo: Screenshot from China Central Television
AFT: U.S. Army soldiers from the East Africa Response Force (EARF) deployed to participate in a rapid response crisis training exercise in Kenya, June 2, 2021. (Tech. Sgt. Daniel Asselta/Air Force)
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