The Here, Now

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AFT: Marine Corps Sgt. Suzette Scott, a chief trainer with the Marine Corps Base Camp Butler Provost Marshal's Office, Military Working Dog (MWD) section, grooms MWD Shiva, on Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan, Feb. 3, 2020. (Cpl. Karis Mattingly/Marine Corps)
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A total of 11 Chinese air force planes breached Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) Saturday (Feb. 20) and included another appearance of Xi'an JH-7 fighter-bombers.


Completely off topic ... I like the looks of Chinese PLA AC for what they are :salute: .... homage ... homage to western and Soviet experience and excellence. Soviets arms have a long history, in China .... volunteer Red Air force pilots went to China after 1936 to combat the Japanese. This is the "Older Big Brother" narrative that the 2 nations share
So traditionally China license-built Soviet AC ... until things opened-up ... nationalism ... pride in China, and the western touches 'Euro fighter' canards .... and so on down to their F-22 knock off.
It seems the Chinese 'buying public' like their war weapons to 'look' like the ours.
The 'arched back' stance ... they both share.
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