The view from the nose of a B-17 was breathtaking. We referred to it as the "Greenhouse". I remember the first time I sat in the bombardier's seat, it was a little challenging. When our position in the bomber stream was back a distance you could see formations ahead of you for miles. If contrails were in play, it was like driving on a highway. The first two bombs out of every lead aircraft were smoke markers. These alerted other bombardiers in the formation to the second they were to release their bombs. They also left a spiral trail toward the target helping the following aircraft to identify the target area. Our fighter escort were close at hand and often appeared to be having fun. The lead would snap roll and the other three would do the same. A somber moment took over when flak filled the view. All in all, the bombardier had the advantage of being first over the target and first back home. A lasting experience for one's memory bank.