This Electric car i would like to have.

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Thats a Bat mobile washed with Bruces his jockstraps.
Mine is made in occuppied France with to leafs a croissant and 2 coffee.

And it does look to me like a hot rod.
It must have been the first low rider electric.
Old American cars were tanks. They were unsafe because of no seatbelts and sometimes weak brakes. The wrecks I've seen and been in were survivable and would have had minor injuries with seatbelts. Impacts at high speeds ejected people through the windshield or impaled them on the steering wheel shaft.

Agreed: I have owned a few early '60s tanks. They broke necks; they threw their drivers through the screen. Many others were impaled on the steering column. The accidents that killed the likes of Albert Camus, Bonar Colleano and Jayne Mansfield would have been survivable in most modern cars. I still love the old stuff despite all that!

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