thunder over michigan 2006 (yankee air musuem)

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 3, 2006
The theme for the show this year is spitfires and hurricanes from what I have read. There also going to have a 109 and a Lancaster plus several skyraiders. There suppose to have the website up soon so we can keep track of what planes are coming but I'm sure it'll be great. I've gone the last three years and they put on an absolute great show. Last year saw 8 B-17's up and flying "unforgettable".
the dates will be august 5-6
the preliminary lineup has
7 skyraiders
1 bearcat
1 albatross
7 spitfires
3 hurricanes
I got this info from another airshow forum site as of today.
if your into photograghing airplanes, on both saturday and sunday morning they let 100 people onto the ramp to take pictures. I think it cost an extra $40 to do it but you get the oppertunity to take photo's without other people in them. well worth the extra money in my opion.
I work a few air shows and can get in early for free, so that's a good way to go. But if I was in Michigan for the show, I would probably do that. I look at it this way, yeah it's not cheap, but neither is keeping an old warbird flying. So if it helps keep 'em flying, I would do it.
I agree completely. The yankee air museum had an unfortunate hanger fire two years ago and there still trying to rebuild from that so I like to give them a little extra cast when I can. They put on a really good show every year.
It's been a really slow process but they do have all the plans laid out for the new hanger. They have the intentions for a whole new complex but we'll see how far the finances get them.
Thanks, that was my first scratch built plane. drew up my own plans and fiberglassed my own cowl, vacuumed my own canopy and first attempt at installing retracts. I want to build a bigger one and build folding wings. We'll see though. Right now I'm finishing a seafury and tempest and drawing up plans for a B-25J with the gun nose.
I could start my own pics thread I guess. I do have alot of photos. I spent three years down in texas photographing and video taping alot of airshows. Not to mention thunderover michigan with there 8 b-17's last year up and flying at once. Awsome sight and sound. I'll probably never witness that again.
Don't make us some pics man! I have been doing the same. I have some videos posted here from the last couple of Camarillo shows. This year, I'm going camera only. I am upgrading my digital to the Nikon D-50. The kit comes with the 28-80 zoom, plus I am going to pick up probably an 80-200/300 range zoom as well for the aerial shots. I have plenty of shots of stuff on the ground, now it's time for some aerial work.
You'll have to bare with me on this. I have a scanner but I haven't been able to reduce the images to download on other forums. I don't know how big this forum will take but I'll keep working on it.
here's a pic of my bearcat with the flag. Still trying to get a better one but I have to wait till the snow leaves.


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here's an attempt at some pics. I know there a little blurry. I'm still trying to figure out how to reduce a scanned image so for know I just took some digital pictures of some of my pictures. All but the four ship corsair formation was taken at thunder over Michigan.


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that one was taken at the corsair gathering in Indiana. There was scheduled to be 13 I think but only 7 was able to make it. It was still a good show. Dale Snodgrass showed us just how maneuverable the F4U was. That guy is one awesome pilot. I have several more formation shots of the corsairs and of the grumman family during the airzoos cat flights.

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