top scoring aces

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Hey, the Red Baron had the most kills and probably the most feared, but he mostly only shot down planes more obsolete and underarmed than his. I still have respect for him, but the most famous and well known was a french ace who battled planes better than his and died in a sortie. Arghh, I can't remember his name but he had over 50 kills. If somebody knows please tell me. Thank you.

Georges M.Guynemer
It's interesting how they only credit Mannock with 61 victories. I've seen that before in various sources, both online and in print, and I've been told that it's because only 61 of his claimed 73 victories were ever confirmed. It's actually become quite a debate in some circles. Personally, I find it difficult to believe that all of the victories of many of these aces were actually confirmed. Bishop included. But ninty years after the fact we'll likely never really know for sure.
you have a good point there nonskimmer.we do have knowledge of how courageous they were though.
The key word there being "didn't" - they did in the Iraq War. I cannot believe they gave a VC to someone who was just doing his job. A MM at most in my opinion, even the person who received didn't think he deserved it.
I know. He didn't deserve that VC at all. It's kind of a disgrace that he got it for something he should have been doing anyway.
It's because these guys came out on top, if not for anything else....

Funny thing though - Eddie Rickenbacker got the Medal of Honor years after WW1. At the end of hostilities he did received the DSO - probably fitting for his service....
jrk said:
i think it is.and then going on to fly as an air sea rescue pilot in a b-17.

ACUTALLY, no........

He was an advisor touring the pacific in WW2 and the B-17 he was flying in crashed (he was not flying) he floated for a few weeks until found.....

Eddie Rickenbcker was awarded the MOH I think in early 30s by presidential order. He never obtained a driver's license or pilot's license and when he ran Eastern Airlines he initally refused to install autopilots in his aircraft stating "he pays piolts to fly, not to sit on the duffs."
thanks for correcting that flyboyj.i knew there was some connection between rickenbacker and a b-17 somewhere.

so he must have been racing cars illegally?

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