Hi bobbysocks,
I liked the F1 Rocket Evo until I got a chance to ride in one and fly it awhile.
Now I love it unashamedly.
It was exhilarating to pull up from liftoff and see a 3,800 fet per minute climb rate. The roll rate means you can basically complete a roll in about 2.5 - 3.0 seconds. Pull up the nose a few degrrees, remove the back pressure, full aileron and you're around before you can do anything stupid. Of course, if you DON'T release the back pressure, you can be over redline in a heartbeat. You can also throttle back to 45% and cruise with your RV friends and get into and EASILY out of almost anyplace they can. The F1 Evo does need a bit more landing roll than a stock RV. It barely needs a takeoff roll.
You can even cruise with P-51s since they mostly stay beloew 10,000 feet where the speed limit is 250 knots. So they mostly cruise at 235 knots, too. When they want to leave you behind, though, they disappear in a heartbeat. They can't really out-turn you since the F1 Evo is a 6-g airplane, but they can extend rapidly and dwindle into the distance.
Is that Max you're talking about an airplane (as in MiniMax), a motorcycle (maybe a V-Max), or your favorite horse?