two stage merlin manual

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Senior Airman
Mar 19, 2007
over the hill and far away
Hi All,
Got this off e bay, enjoy :)
and thanks to all for sharing their manuals on this board.

there doesn't seem to be any copyright existing,
if there is any prob's please delete my apologies.



  • Introduction.pdf
    213.7 KB · Views: 1,060
  • Chapter 1.pdf
    296.5 KB · Views: 934
  • Chapter 2.pdf
    138.3 KB · Views: 829
  • Chapter 3.pdf
    765 KB · Views: 862
  • Chapter 4.pdf
    890.3 KB · Views: 837
  • Chapter 7.pdf
    4 MB · Views: 899
  • Chapter 6.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 815
  • CHapter 5.pdf
    2.5 MB · Views: 874
Excellen stuff, I was always looking for something this, i have the DB 605A and D manual, and this makes an interesting comparison.
Great info. I fell in with the Merlin at the CAF Air Show in Harlington, TX. I get a thrill everytime I hear a Merlin or Griffon start up. I have been flying WWII A/C in FSX. I have a Commercial Certificate with Instrument Rating and I have flow over 1000 hrs and nothing flys like a Spit or P51.
Another manual, slightly more in depth than the other one posted here previously.


  • Merlin Engine.part1.rar
    49 MB · Views: 989
  • Merlin Engine.part2.rar
    33 MB · Views: 852

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