Ugliest Plane of WW2?

Ugliest Plane of WW2?

  • Fieseler Fi 156 'Storch'

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Focke-Wulf Fw 189

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fairey Swordfish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Messerschmitt Me 323

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Handley Page Hampden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Brewster Buffalo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grumman Hellcat

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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kiwimac said:
Or mayhap,

"The Halifax is the greatest"


Yeah...but you missed a bit off the end...i think it was supposed to read "The Halifax is the greatest eyesore"


and nutter...everyone here will agree with you that the Swordfish was a great plane but MAN was it ugly...other people seemed to think so to looking at the votes.....
Well alot of people seem to disagree with you...and if you don't think an Me323 was ugly then you need your eyes testing mate!
The Miles M39 was the ugliest without a's not on the list, but still.
I saw someone mention a Gannet as well, there's one in North Lincolnshire...near where I live..I live in South Yorkshire... Don't think Lincolnshire.

Avro Lancaster G-BVBP KB 994
Avro Lincoln G-APRJ RF 342
B 25 Mitchell G-BWGR 44 - 30925

Percival Provost P56 T1 G-BZRF WV 499
Percival Provost P56 T1 G-BZRE XX421
Fairey Gannet G-BMYP XL 502
de Havilland Vampire T.11 G-BZRC WZ 584
de Havilland Vampire T.11 G-BZRD XH 313
de Havilland Sea Vixen XN 691
Gloster Meteor NF Mk. 14 WS 776
Bristol Bloodhound Missile Mk l
Bristol Bloodhound Missile Mk ll

That's what they have, don't think it's full aircraft though, last time I went most were in pieces except the Gannet. I know they aren't all WW2 but I though someone might be interested, it's Sandtoft airfield if anyone has heard of it. It was an aerodrome in World War 2, so some of you should know, at least.
I am amazed that nobody has mentioned the Amiot 143. It is in my opinion the uglyest ever. Like a box with wings. Go find some pictures of it now, I don't know how to post them.
Yeah the Amiot 143 WAS ugly but somehow i don't think it was the ugliest...its actually been mentioned by me before now in the 'Worst aircraft of WW2' thread - go check it out 8)
the lancaster kicks ass said:
, it wasn't and the swordfish was beautiful, how dare it even be on the list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well 15% of the voters disagreed with you lanc...including myself - it was Butt ugly!
The Swordfish is ugly

even its 'affectionate' nickname was 'stringbag' hardly very flattering is it?
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