Ugly stepsister of the DC-2

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Sometime between 1941 and 1943, as my father's ship, HMCS St. Laurent sailed near the Canadian East Coast, Douglas Digby 757 flew over the convoy his destroyer was escorting. The ship's photographer took this picture and I inherited it when Dad passed away in 2005. The photo I have is about 1.5 inch by 2 inch in size. I managed to blow it up enough to see the number.



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B-18's and O-38s in Felts Field Hanger.jpg


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Man you do some nice work.
Thanks for the compliment, my third a/c to do profiles of. If you are serious about the B-10's we should talk, re: units, markings, models, countries etc., are you including the Dutch 139's, Argentine, Chinese, Thai, and (captured Dutch) Japanese versions. As for photos, I can check on the original prints I have. Where are you located?

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