Unknown Holland May 1940

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I have gone back and looked closely at those 4 photos in the album and they look too "fresh" when compared to the other photos, like the one I posted which was taken around the same time of the same aircraft.

And why would the three photos have a sepia tone to them and the fourth photo be black and white if taken in the same time period by the same camera (and assuming same supply of film)?
Again, I can't comment on the album, but I've seen other fraudulent artefacts over the years. How many bits of aluminium have been made up to look like parts of aircraft sporting swastikas and been sold as WW2 artefacts over the years?
Where there's a market there will be people prepared to be dishonest to defraud others of their hard earned cash.
Hmm, that's a shame, I was hoping (perhaps beyond hope) that there was some clandestine Russian envoi to Holland during the war and its aeroplane became a cropper. As for WW2 fakes, when I worked in an aviation museum in Scotland, I lost count of how many times someone approached the museum with the intent of selling or advising that they had a piece of Rudolf Hess' Bf 110. It must have been the size of an Airbus A380 with all the bits of scrap metal from it littering homes and scrap yards throughout Scotland.

And there's already a big chunk of it in the IWM

There are also fake diaries, flugbuch (even filling in blank pages of an original) and all sorts of other documents. Why not a photo album if someone thinks they'll get a decent price for it? It's easy to do. I reckon I could make one up with what's on my computer in a couple of hours.



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