Unmanned killer

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Nov 9, 2005
An MQ-1B Predator unmanned aerial vehicle engaged three insurgents in the process of planting a homemade bomb along a road near Balad Air Base, Iraq, March 28 and launched an AGM-114 Hellfire missile against the group.
The Predator monitored the three insurgents for about a half hour while they used a pickax to dig a hole in the road, placing an explosive round in the hole, and stringing wires from the hole to a ditch on the side of the road.
When it was clear the individuals were placing a bomb, the Predator launched the 100-pound Hellfire missile, killing all three insurgents.
"This is a prime example of how airpower is supporting the fight on the ground," said Brig. Gen. Frank Gorenc, commander of the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing at Balad. "We're able to provide a persistent view of the battlefield to commanders on the ground and, if called upon, put a weapon on a target within minutes."
Using joint Army and Air Force trend analysis and past incident reporting from the area, the Predator was assigned to monitor the general location where the insurgents were ultimately found.
"Based on the information we had available, we had a pretty good idea there might be some activity in the area, and we were right," General Gorenc said. "This strike should send a message to our enemies that we're watching you, and we will take action against you any time, day or night, if you continue to stand in the way of progress in Iraq."

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