USAAF Mosquitos in WW2

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Tiny Fireburn

Aug 30, 2016
I have just completed a book on the Mosquito in USAAF service in WW2. This covers the 25th BG, the 492nd BG and the 416th NFS, together with the Canadian-built F-8s. In sourcing photos to illustrate the book I am well aware of the various website images, but I would like to appeal to anyone who has relevant photos in personal collections, or is aware of photos in unusual nooks and crannies. All help is appreciated and would be formally acknowledged on publication. If you can help in any way please contact me.
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Hi Tony,

Sorry I lost track of you over the years - I've lots to share! Drop me a note - I'm glad to hear your Mosquito project is wrapping! (Mine's been on terminal hold for decades...)


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Look in my ebay mosquito thread. Few there.
Look in my ebay mosquito thread. Few there.
Guys, thank you for your responses. Most grateful for Dana Bell's generous offer of help. Turning to 'Mosquito Aircraft Production at Downsview', this is a real treasure trove of photos. However, they are not that easy to access for publication (I'll say no more than that!). But that's my problem. I'll give Snautzer01's eBay thread a look and see what that throws up. Grateful for all help and interest.
Some good stuff there - thank you so much Snautzer01. Do you have access to the 'originals'? One of the shots is a lovely three-quarter tail view of a US Mossie, but with 'Zillions of Things' plastered across the bottom of the image. These are just the sort of thing I'm seeking though. If you can help further, do get in touch ( Thanks for your ongoing interest!
Well just hit the watch button for the Mossie thread and you will receive an e-mail when i update. But remember i do not own these pictures. so if you want to use them get in contact with the seller.

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