Airman 1st Class
We do see a lot of articles pertaining to the usage of UAV's. However, it seems that many of the attacks have gone wrong.
Is it the truth? what percentage of UAV attacks are successful, doing what they are supposed to do. How many are going wrong.
Is the question really: Is the UAV concept developed enough to be used in combat or is it still recce only? If it should be used in combat, the mission failure rate should not be less than manned flight?
It is not a matter of whether UAV's can fly, shoot, drop bombs, etc. It is the entire system I think is critical. Do we have the right mission control in place? those types of questions.
It does look like, based on media reports only, that we are causing more collateral damage by employing UAV's in actual combat missions.
We do see a lot of articles pertaining to the usage of UAV's. However, it seems that many of the attacks have gone wrong.
Is it the truth? what percentage of UAV attacks are successful, doing what they are supposed to do. How many are going wrong.
Is the question really: Is the UAV concept developed enough to be used in combat or is it still recce only? If it should be used in combat, the mission failure rate should not be less than manned flight?
It is not a matter of whether UAV's can fly, shoot, drop bombs, etc. It is the entire system I think is critical. Do we have the right mission control in place? those types of questions.
It does look like, based on media reports only, that we are causing more collateral damage by employing UAV's in actual combat missions.